The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
Page 7 of 88

If we want to follow the path of wisdom, then:

Let's cast off anger, and replace it with calm and self-control.

Let's reject badness, and replace it with goodness.

Let's reject hate, and replace it with love.

Let's reject greed, and replace it with sharing.

Let's cast off the grudge, and replace it with forgiveness.

Let's discard the fleeting material knowledge that disappears at death, and replace it with the true eternal spiritual knowledge, which opens the mind to the truth.

Let's reject idle, meaningless conversations that lead nowhere, and replace them with a serious exchange with a qualified spiritual master, an authentic servant of God, whom we have chosen.

Let us reject all that leads to enslavement to matter; the passions and pleasures of the senses, murder, theft, sensuality, illicit sexuality, out of marriage, lies, slander, abusive and hurtful words, criticism solely focused on negation and degradation, lust, envy, desire, wickedness in all its forms, and false teaching [Deny the existence of God, change his word and teaching, deny the law of cause and effect, deny that life continues after the death of the material body, deny that God alone has the power to free fallen souls that we are].

Let us distance ourselves from atheistic materialists, who lead us on the path of perdition, darkness and ignorance of the data relating to the absolute truth, forcing us to perform abortion and euthanasia, two abominable crimes, which bring the soul into the continual suffering that it will suffer in one or even several future lives, and replace them with pure beings, devotees of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Let us love each other with unconditional love.

Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person gave us this wonderful commandment: “You will love your neighbor as yourself”, so let us apply it with joy.

The Lord asks us to love our neighbor, whoever he may be. Regardless of race, community, nation, origin, skin color; white, black, yellow, red, mixed race, religion, culture, etc.., for we are all, verily, incarnate spiritual souls of God. Each of us is a spiritual soul, we all have the same origin, we all come from the marginal energy of God.




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