The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 91 of 150

Such are the consequences of hunting and slaughtering meaning restriction of animals. People who die thus suffer the consequences of their karma, or guilty acts committed in their previous life.

Those who do not feel responsible for the killing of animals, but who feed without qualms on their flesh are nevertheless guilty.

Likewise, according to the law of karma or the law of action-reaction or the law of cause and effect, the one who allows an animal to be killed, the one who performs the murderous act, the one who sells the flesh of the slaughtered animal, the one who prepares it, the one who buys such food, and the one who eats it, are all responsible for the suffering inflicted on the animal.

Jesus had brought this clarification: “those who feed on animal flesh, in reality feed on corpses”.

This mentality to kill animals without qualms and with coldness, makes the heart of many so hard, that it becomes therefore easy to kill human beings, without any restraint.

As soon as one acquires the true spiritual knowledge superior to material knowledge, does one automatically become good?

Yes, as soon as one acquires true and perfect spiritual knowledge, one automatically becomes good and by essence immersed in pure virtue, it is an indisputable truth. That said, the one who does not become good is that he has not received the true and perfect knowledge.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the original source, the Supreme Author, of true perfect spiritual knowledge. He is also the Supreme Teacher. In truth, whoever knows the Sovereign Lord as He really is, discovers at the same time the absolute truth as it is. This is why Lord Krishna is also called “the Absolute Truth”.

True knowledge is the ability to distinguish the spiritual from the material, to realize God, to discover our true identity, and to be aware of Krishna. It is the ability to analyze things in their proper perspective, to discover the path that leads to the Supreme Eternal and to remain there without fail.

Knowledge is the ultimate perfection of spiritual realization, and spiritual realization or the right understanding of the pure soul, allows freedom from all material attachments.

Knowledge leads to the ultimate perfection of existence, and to the perception of the individual spiritual being distinct from God, in all its truth.




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