The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 88 of 150

Real and absolute good and evil, their true definition.

In truth, good and evil do not exist.

It is in fact in the material universe in which man evolves, good and evil are on the same plane, merge and are a projection of the mind, because each part of an erroneous personal concept, puts them into action, or defines them according to its own sensitivity, its notion of reality, and the values that drive it.

Thus, a thief finds it normal to steal, and ignores the reaction of the owner of the stolen object. For the thief, his action is just and right. This is the case for all human beings, who know nothing of the true notion of Good and Evil, they constantly confuse them.

In reality, Good and Evil are defined in relation to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, for the Lord being the Absolute Existence, the Absolute Dwelling, the Absolute Truth and the Absolute Life, we must understand that the entire cosmic universe remains in Him, as well as all spiritual souls. Because of his supreme, infinite and absolute position, Lord Krishna is in fact the owner of all that exists, and the sole beneficiary of all the fruits from all the works of souls that reside both in the spiritual world, and those incarnated in the material universe.

Because of this truth, it is easy to understand that the true notion of good and evil is defined in relation to God, Krishna, because He has the pure essence and the only reality of it.

The Absolute Good is none other than Krishna Himself.

Absolute good is taking pleasure in loving Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in making him happy, in loving pleasing him, in humming marvelous hymns for his joy, in offering him all the fruits of our works, in to surrender completely to Him, and to take great pleasure in serving Him with love and devotion.

Absolute Evil is the exact opposite of Absolute Good.

It is not loving Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, not wanting to listen to him or do what He says, it is rejecting or denying his authority, it is moving away from Him, it is doing quite the opposite of what He says, it is to ignore His existence, or worse, it is to identify with Him, by taking oneself for Him, by believing oneself to be god, finally, it is the envy.




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