Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 78 of 103

Let us not forget, however, the characteristics of a holy person, the way to satisfy a sage and reject the company of undesirable beings, as well as the constant listening to Srimad-Bhagavatam, the daily, monthly and fortnightly duties, including the Ekadashi fast, the celebration of the coming of the Lord (Janmashtami) or the three specific fasting days of Vamana-dvadashi, Shri Rama-navami and Nrishingha-chaturdashi. On the other hand, when fasting days overlap with other days (viddha), they promote the evolution of devotional service. Lord Chaitanya again begged Sanatane Gosvami to cite references from the Puranas in each case. He also mentioned how to establish temples of the Lord, in addition to describing the general behavior, characteristics, duties and occupations of the holy man. So the Lord summed up all the data required to write a book on the Vaisnavian (holiness) regulating principles. [The rules and regulations of the Vaisnava principles of holiness practiced by holy men purify the heart. It is the process of loving and devotional service offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. Anyone can be purified by following the principles of devotional service in Krishna consciousness, for Krishna consciousness or God consciousness is so powerful, that it can purify even the outcasts, the unclean, and transform them into highest holy men. Even practicing the Vaisnavian principles of holiness to a small extent can save someone from the greatest danger of material existence.]

Attachment purely ecstatic Krishna, resulting from a thorough understanding of what his Person and his name are identical is called bhava, and he (or she) who accesses is not contaminated by material nature, but truly tastes a spiritual happiness which, as it intensifies, takes on the name of God's love.

Lord Chaitanya explains that the Holy Name of Krishna, also called maha-mantra (the great song), enables anyone who vibrates it to attain the love of God, which is the intensified bhava. This love embodies the object of the ultimate quest of the human being, next to which the other sources of satisfaction or fulfillment that are religion, economic development, satisfaction of the senses and liberation are very poor. Anyone who remains captivated by a temporary existence under the sign of multiple designations can only covet the pleasures of the senses or the liberation. The love of God is specific to the soul and corresponds to its eternal nature, it is immutable, without beginning or end. Therefore, neither the temporary satisfaction of the senses nor the thirst for liberation supports comparison with the love of God, of a purely spiritual nature, and moreover qualified as the fifth dimension of the human quest. Compared to the ocean of love and spiritual happiness, the very realization of the Impersonal Spiritual Being is hardly more important than a drop of water.




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