Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 82 of 103

Krishna is the originator of the entire Creation, and not only is he its creator and upholder of the universe, but He is also its destroyer. By his will, the cosmic manifestation is created at a precise moment, maintained for a certain time, and then annihilated. His supreme will is therefore found in the background of all cosmic events. The Vedic scriptures teach us that the Absolute Truth, the Divine Person, is supreme among all people. From Brahma, the first created being, to the tiniest ant, all living things are distinct from one another. Even some, superior to Brahma, do not also possess their own individuality. Now, the Divine Being is also a living being, and like all other beings, He has an identity of his own, but his intelligence is supreme, and He has an infinite variety of perfectly inconceivable energies. Now, if the human brain can create a space shuttle, it is certainly easy to understand that a higher brain is capable of infinitely greater wonders still.

The form of the Supreme Lord manifested by his internal power is distinguished from his external power, which brings out the material universe that we experience. There is a very clear distinction between the two powers of God. The internal power is very real, while the manifestation of the external energy, in the form of material existence, is only illusory and temporary, like a mirage in the desert. Glamor does not contain water per se, but only the appearance of water. The water itself is found elsewhere. Likewise, the manifestation of the cosmic creation presents itself to us as absolute reality, but it is in fact only the shadow of this reality, which is found elsewhere, in the spiritual world, where no glamor exists. exist. Absolute Truth belongs to the spiritual world, and not to this material universe where all truth is only relative, an apparent truth always depending on another apparent truth. This cosmic creation results from the interaction of the three modes of material influence, and the temporary manifestations found therein are created in such a way as to provide an illusion of the real for the lost mind proper to the conditioned soul, which is incarnates in different forms of life, including in the more evolved beings that are the celestial beings such as Brahma, Indra and Chandra. In truth, there is no reality in the universe of the cosmic manifestation or material cosmos, and if it still seems real, it is thanks to the existence of a tangible reality in the spiritual world, where the Lord lives eternally with all his entourage.

The chief engineer of a complex construction does not directly put his hand to the work, but only he knows all the aspects, directly and indirectly, because everything is accomplished under his sole direction. Likewise, the Supreme Lord, Supreme Engineer of the cosmic creation, knows every nook and cranny of it, although everything seems to be accomplished through others than Him. From Brahma to the most insignificant of ants, no one is independent at the heart of material creation. Everywhere the Supreme Lord extends his hand. From Him alone emanate all material elements as well as spiritual sparks, and all that exists in this world is due only to the interaction of these two energies, material and spiritual, controlled by the Absolute Truth, the Person. Supreme, God, Shri Krishna.




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