Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 77 of 103

Sanatane Gosvami then threw himself at Chaitanya's feet while praying, his hands joined: Dear Lord, You have asked me to present the regulatory principles of devotional service. But since I belong to the last social class, I don't know anything about it. I don't know how to accomplish such an important task. So be so kind as to give me some indications on the writing of such a book which may qualify me for this enterprise.

The Lord immediately blessed him with these words: Whatever you write, by the grace of Krishna, will emanate from your heart and be accepted according to your prayer. Here is some data you can write down. The essential point is the need to accept a genuine spiritual master. Thus begins the spiritual life.

Lord Chaitanya then asked Sanatane Gosvami to put down in writing the characteristics of a true spiritual master and a true devotee, as described in the Padma Purana: the qualified Brahmin [wise scholar, spiritual master and spiritual guide of society], who simultaneously manifests all the signs of the genuine devotee can become the spiritual master of anyone, and such a devotee and spiritual master should be respected as well as God Himself. On the other hand, even from a family of highly respected Brahmins, no one can become a genuine spiritual master without being so devout of the Lord. We must therefore not mistakenly believe that such a master must be born into a so-called family of Brahmins. Let us understand rather that the spiritual master must be a qualified Brahmin, that is to say competent by his actions.

The Lord then asked Sanatane to describe the qualities required to receive the sacred hymns, and how these are to be understood and completed through ritual practices. The Lord then describes the initiation, the morning duties and the rules of cleanliness, washing the face and brushing the teeth, the work and the prayers to be recited morning and evening. He also explained how to venerate the spiritual master and mark his body with tilaka [U-shaped signs drawn in twelve places including the forehead with a specific powder, which indicates that one is indeed Krishna's servant, belonging to a religious group, and a sign of purity like a bath in the Ganges, the sacred river], how to pick tulasi leaves (from the tree of the same name) and how to clean the bedroom and the temple of the Lord, as well as the art of awakening Krishna from sleep. Then, He defines the different ways of worshiping the Lord with the help of five or fifty articles, worship which must include five daily aratis [ritual, offering of respect, welcome and worship to Krishna] accompanied by offerings. food to Krishna, which must also be put to bed day after day, at the appointed time for his rest. This is, of course, the representation of the Lord in the temple. Different characteristics also mark the form of the Lord. Chaitanya also explained the importance of visiting the holy places, where there are different temples of the Lord, and of contemplating the form of God that is worshiped there. He further mentioned the glorification of the spiritual and absolute name of the Lord, as well as the various offenses that can be committed during his worship. This also requires certain articles and practices, including the conch, water, fragrant flowers, hymns and prayers, circular walking and the offering of homage. It is also necessary to adhere to the regulating principles of the sacred hymn, of the offering of water and food to Lord Krishna, to honor the food offered to Krishna and to reject the food not offered to Krishna, and yet to refrain from defaming the devotee who actually manifests devotional characteristics.




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