Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 76 of 103

So the Lord presented sixty different interpretations of the word atmarama, adding moreover that the word atma designates the living being, from Brahma, the first created being, to the ant. He cited in this regard a verse from the sixth chapter of the Visnu Purana where it is written that all the energies of the Lord are of a spiritual nature. The energy recognized as the origin of the living being is also spiritual, while the other energy, saturated with ignorance and manifested in material action, is called material nature. Even within the material creation, living beings are legion, and if, happily, they associate with a pure devotee here on earth, they will be able to serve Krishna with pure devotion. I had so far devised sixty different interpretations of the word atmarama, but here is a new definition popping up in My mind because of your presence, says the Lord.

Listening to the multiple explanations of the word atmarama offered by the Lord, Sanatane Gosvami was so amazed that he fell at the feet of Shri Chaitanya in a surge of devotion:

I realize that You yourself are Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and from your breath emanate the myriad of Vedic writings. Master of Srimad-Bhagavatam, You know perfectly well the meaning of its verses. No one can understand the deep significance of Srimad-Bhagavatam without your grace.

Don't glorify me like that, the Lord replied to him. Rather, strive to understand the true nature of Srimad-Bhagavatam, this sonic manifestation of the Supreme Lord, Krishna; not different from Him, it is infinite in each of its words as well as of its letters, with innumerable meanings. As we can only understand these in contact with devotees, do not say that the Bhagavatam is only a collection of questions and answers.

Indeed, six questions had been asked by the sages of Naimisaranya [Meeting place of the great sages] to Sukadeva Gosvami [Son of Avatar Vyasadeva. He belongs to the group of the twelve great sages], whose answers, or explanations, are found in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. We can read in a Vedic text the following words of Siva:

Sukadeva, Vyasadeva and I may be familiar with Srimad-Bhagavatam, but it should be known that in reality it can only be understood through devotional service and only from a devotee, for it escapes intelligence and academic commentary.

The sages of Naimisaranya asked: Dear master, tell us if the principles of spirituality have followed the Lord, now that He has returned to his personal kingdom. How to find these principles now?

And they were answered: After the departure of Krishna for his kingdom, followed by all religious principles, his representative, the Srimad-Bhagavatam or Maha-Purana remains like a dazzling sun and source of light.

Lord Chaitanya then said: This is how, as if in madness, I have described the verse atmarama to you in many ways. So do not hold it against Me if I have uttered some extravagance. But if someone, like Me, loses his sanity, then he will be able to understand the true message of Srimad-Bhagavatam, as I have explained it.




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