Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 65 of 103

The person who is never inclined to material happiness, hatred, affliction and ambition, detached from any favorable or harmful activity of the universe of matter and fully dedicated to the consciousness of God, is very dear to Krishna. The devotee who shows himself equal to the so-called friends and enemies of this world, and whom neither heat nor cold disturbs by any attachment to the body, who feels no attachment and remains equanimous (equality of soul, of mood) whether respected or insulted, which always remains serious, satisfied in all circumstances, without a fixed residence but always established in Krishna consciousness, this one is infinitely dear to the Lord. Even without being established in such a transcendent position, the mere fact of approving such transcendence will make us dear to Krishna.

The devotee must always depend on the mercy of the Supreme Lord. As for his material needs, he must be satisfied with what he obtains without difficulty. In this context, Sukadeva Gosvami, a great sage, advises the devotee never to seek the help of a materialist. As far as one's livelihood is concerned, one can pick up the torn clothes lying around in the street, pick the fruit from the trees, drink the water from the rivers and live in a natural cave. Even if it is impossible to do so, one must nevertheless depend entirely on the Supreme Lord, realizing that He provides everyone with food and shelter. So the Lord will never fail to care for those devotees who have been completely surrendered to Him. Whatever happens, the devotee is always protected and therefore need not worry about his survival. Sanatane Gosvami thus inquired about all aspects of devotional service, and Lord Chaitanya imparted to him the confidential teaching of the authoritative holy scriptures in the matter, including the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Words of Wisdom.

The Lord then referred to the Vedic text of the Harivamsa, which deals with the spiritual realm of Krishna. This information was revealed by Indra when he offered prayers after being defeated while challenging the power of Krishna. The Harivamsa therefore asserts that although they can fly, neither birds nor planes can reach the higher planetary systems, which begin with the Sun, which is at the center of the galaxy. Beyond the solar star exist other planetary systems populated by beings raised by their harsh austerities. The material galaxy as a whole is called Devidhama; beyond is Kailasa, the abode where Siva and his wife Parvati reside eternally. Beyond this planetary system, we discover the spiritual world with countless intangible planets called Vaikuntha. Above is Krishna's planet: Goloka. The word goloka means planet of cows. As Krishna is very fond of cows, his home is named Goloka. Goloka is larger than all the material and spiritual planets put together.




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