Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 68 of 103

Two classes of spiritualists devote themselves to the cultivation of knowledge: the first venerates the Impersonal Spiritual Being, and the second is in search of liberation. As the monists worship the impersonal aspect of God, they are said to be worshipers of the Impersonal Spiritual Being, the only aspect of God that Jews, Christians and Muslims also revere. These, in their turn, are subdivided into three orders: the neophytes, those absorbed by the realization of the Spiritual Being and those who have realized to be themselves their true identity of spiritual soul. If he also adopts devotional service, he who knows the Spiritual Being can then attain liberation; otherwise, it remains impossible. Anyone who fully engages in devotional service, in Krishna consciousness, is considered a soul who has already realized his spiritual aspect. Such is the power of devotional service that even those engaged in the worship of the Supreme Spiritual Being can be drawn to Krishna. The Lord bestows perfection on his devotee in the form of a spiritual body, and the devotee is eternally absorbed in the transcendent nature of Krishna. It is when he grasps the sublime attributes of Krishna and becomes fascinated with them that the devotee wholeheartedly engages in devotional service. For example, the four Kumaras and Sukadeva Gosvami were from the start liberated souls; They were nonetheless subsequently fascinated by Krishna's entertainment, so much so that they became his devotees. Devotees like the Kumaras, including Sanak, who felt the allure of the fragrance of the flowers offered to Krishna, were captivated by the spiritual attributes of the Lord and adopted his devotional service. The nine mystics mentioned in the Eleventh Song of Srimad-Bhagavatam are for their part recognized as spiritualists by birth by virtue of their listening to the sublime attributes of Krishna, enunciated by Brahma, Siva and Narada.

Sometimes one will be fascinated by Krishna and his spiritual and absolute attributes just by contemplating the beautiful features of his transcendent body; one will then cease to aspire to liberation to engage in the devotional service of the Lord. The devotee regrets having wasted so much time in the so-called cultivation of knowledge and without further delay becomes a pure devotee. There are two orders of liberated souls, even if they are endowed with a material body. Souls liberated by the practice of devotional service and souls liberated by the cultivation of knowledge. With the difference that, fascinated by the sublime attributes of Krishna, the soul freed in the framework of devotion always rises higher. While the one who indulges in arid speculations, cultivating only knowledge without devotion, falls from her position because of her multiple offenses. Anyone who listens attentively to this teaching of Lord Chaitanya to Sanatane Gosvami will gain access to Krishna consciousness without delay and engage in the devotional service offered to the Lord.

There are three types of candidates for liberation through the acquisition of knowledge: aspirants for salvation, souls freed into material existence and souls actually realized. There are many in this world who seek liberation, and there are those who practice devotional service for this purpose.




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