Chaitanya, The Golden Avatar
Page 61 of 103

Since all the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi, also called Vraja or Vrindavana, [Mathura region in India, which covers about two hundred and sixty square kilometers, where the Supreme Lord, Krishna, manifested his sublime entertainments 5,000 years ago in the company of his pure devotees. It is the main place of pilgrimage for all the wise and pure devotees. This region is the sum and the essence of all the holy places, and designates also and more directly Vrindavana] are very dear to Krishna, the devotee who inhabits such an attachment chooses one of whom he follows the example in order to perfect his own devotional service. The pure devotee who feels attachment to the Lord always walks deep inside in the footsteps of an inhabitant of Vrajabhumi. The Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (holy book) moreover recommends to the pure devotee animated by such a devotional attachment to always remember the activities of a specific inhabitant of Vraja so as to constantly meditate on Vrajabhumi, or Vrindavana (one also says Vrindavane), even if he cannot live there himself.

The devotees who are intimately attached to the Lord and to his service are of various orders; thus some are his servants and others, his friends, his parents, even his lovers or his spouses. However, in all cases, devotional service marked by attachment must be practiced following the example of a specific model of Vrajabhumi.

The Lord said: The word mat-para can only designate a person filled with the idea of ​​being attached only to Me, seeing in Me his soul, his friend, his son, his Master, his benefactor, his God and his ultimate goal. These devotees are in no way influenced by the weather.

The author of the Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu (sacred book) offers his respectful homage to all those who constantly meditate on Krishna as He is, as son, benefactor, brother, father, friend Or other. Anyone who honors the principles of devotional service imbued with attachment by following the example of a devotee of Vrajabhumi attains in that spirit the highest perfection of love for God. Two traits characterize the development of the germ of love for God, namely attachment, and the state of mind which immediately precedes love for God. And the Supreme Lord, Shri Krishna, is immediately conquered by the devotees who manifest these traits prior to the appearance of the first signs of love for God. Lord Chaitanya gave these explanations to Sanatane Gosvami while specifying that He had only given her a glimpse of devotional service imbued with attachment, an inexhaustible subject if any. Then He set out to define the ultimate goal of devotional service, the very one that should be pursued by anyone who aspires to perfection. When the attachment to Krishna becomes very deep, there is access to what is commonly called the love of God, held to be the permanent condition of the devotee. In this context, Kaviraj Gosvami offers his respectful homage to Lord Chaitanya for having delivered to us his sublime teaching on the love of God. As he says so well in his Chaitanya-charitamrita: O Supreme Lord, who other than You has conferred pure devotional service?

O magnanimous incarnation of God among all, I offer You my respectful homage, You who we know under the name of Gaura Krishna.




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