God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
Page 45 of 87

Before going further, let me make one additional statement regarding our spiritual essence. It
is useful and important to note that the latter obeyed other criteria than those existing or
dependent earthly plane. I mean is that between the molecular structure different from our
earthly body, we have another characteristic size, we do not have sex.
In the spiritual world this figure is meaningless, has no basis for procreation is reserved for a
fact material spheres whose land is, the primary aim to provide those who need it or embody
reincarnate himself a body capable of receiving and thus enable them to evolve.
The land belongs to the plane covered by the material. Thus any spiritual being can take
without changing a body specifically tailored.
The entity who leaves his plane of existence to that of the earth, will find a body being
prepared and made available so that it can perform its work.
The man and woman who each received during their training with a specific gender GOD in
this case play an important role, that of progenitors. The same goes for all living things on
earth. You know now my friends that the spiritual essence of the entity that we did not have
sex because our role is not to generate. This function is vested in the woman and man.
On the contrary on the spiritual plane, it belongs to God alone, who is the living, spiritual
entities engender.
I said earlier that our spiritual essence enjoyed a rare privilege, the right not aging. Yes, we
are the static, which does not move, do not change and remain in the state. The spiritual
universe as the spiritual beings who remain steeped out of time, for there, this data is
nonexistent. We are immersed as the pre-world city, outside of space-time, which is data
specific to the material world.
Now that you know who is really God, now you know that all spiritual and material worlds
are in God. Therefore you also understand that the divine essence of God, washed and
enlivens all this and more universes saints because we are in the infinite universe and that it is
none other than God himself DIVINE itself.
You understand now why our spiritual essence can not age, because we have within our
essence, the animating principle of God which allows him to self-regenerate.
Remember my friends saw our father, God is an eternal being that has life in him: He and he
alone possesses.
Christ said so aptly:
For as the Father has life in himself, so he gave the son to have life in himself. But you know
now that God has made known to men taking a human body. Christ is in fact GOD
DIVINE GOD who has no beginning or end, in whom the life has created the spiritual entity
that we are identical to him and placed it in the animating principle that emanates from him. I
see has the immense love that God shows us.
The Father in his life and this life-giving spring flows also in our spiritual essence and it was
through her that we too can be the Father wanted to live and remain in the state that is say the
BEINGS remain static unchanging. Christ said:
If they ask you:
What is the sign of your Father which is in you?
Tell them:
It is a movement and rest.
To close this subject, I conclude by saying that in the celestial world, data on age do not exist.
As discussed above, the spiritual entity be static and asexual, does not, since it does not
belong only to God. Therefore, any entity that is also a body different from the one he had on
earth, but qualifying criteria specific to the spiritual world.
All people who move are young and still. Their ages are around thirty. There is there neither
children nor elderly.




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