God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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Second, bring human beings to know in their hearts, they must give the skin color of any
superiority or importance of any nature whatsoever, since all bodies are animated by a
spiritual being and that As such, they are identical for all from the same divine source, that of
Thirdly, if there is one major reason is that which is to give men a lesson in love. The father
wanted and make men understand that they are all brothers, and therefore they are all son of
GOD. The essential element is to bring human beings to make this a rich diversity by making
the inner feelings resurface and eventually allow them to reject all ideas before the
materialistic drive to identify with the subject.
Fourth, bring men to enter the basic idea is to understand that man, spiritual entity, is from the
divine source of life-giving, which comes from the infinite realm, which is none other than the
one and only sovereign God. That is not the same as regards the human body because it is
subject, from her, and eventually she will return.
In other words, importance should be given to the spiritual being who we are and to a lesser
degree in the human body.
Fifth, what has been said explains the data for the incarnation or reincarnation. Next lessons a
spiritual entity will have to learn on earth, it has to be embodied in a specific region of the
planet, a body with a specific color. If by chance the spiritual showed a disproportionate
racism, it would have to be reincarnated in another region or geographic area, and will have a
new body whose color was precisely that it did not. The purpose being that it does more
absurd interest with respect to the human body.
Another reason is also of great importance is that which can penetrate the pernicious attitudes
or behaviors that, once adopted, poison people and reduce them to slavery of sense, by
embedding into the path of materialism.
Buddhism speaks rightly poisons losing men such as greed, hate, mistake, I add the ignorance
that often drives human beings on the path of suffering, pain, perdition.
If a political system that divides the owners and the lead on the path of heartbreak, of division,
destruction, exclusion, leading those who embrace it to move straight into the darkness, c ' is
capitalism that capitalizes on its bosom all the data is negative and all the trappings of Satan.
Observe good men and you will notice that whatever religion (which incidentally have not
been established by God, but the fact of only men. God has given them the commandments
and precepts telling them to apply). The geographic, ethnic minorities still face the wrath of
the ruling class or occupying, and are rejected, rejected, humiliated. They are the object of
hatred. Racism struck them and forced to live on the margins of society. This is the time or
the spiritual tenets make sense and allow the glue out of materialism in which the man was
trapped. The color can naturally arise fundamental questions, and take humans not only to
seek another path, but also and especially to recognize the reality of both human and spiritual.
If we are identical, this duality must we do finally understand. We have the same source. The
pigmentation of our skin should provide an awareness of attitudes, lead man to think
otherwise and the result to avoid unjust ways and help to awaken from the lethargy into which
he immersed for millennia. The purpose is to bring the man to finally see and hear.
For this reason Christ said:
I stood in the middle of the world and I am revealed to them (men) in the flesh.
I found them all drunk.
No one among them who is thirsty, and my soul was afflicted son on men because they are
blind in their heart.
They do not.
Naked they were born, they come out naked.
At this time, they are drunk.
When they have vomited their wine, they rediscover their spirit.




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