God - The Revelation Of The 13th Way's Insider
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On land we use for our misfortune, people with warlike intentions that we deviate from the
truth intentionally, arbitrarily claiming that anything is wrong, that they are not fabrications,
the sole purpose of going astray and have a total control us. In recent drive men to deny the
existence of God and also claim that life after death does not exist or is no utopia.
In my sense is probably the result of reflection for not believing in something for reasons of
crass materialism, but also in terms of our lack of knowledge of celestial mysteries.
Having faith is an essential offering to the entity that inner light that many have not. It also
provides something of far greater still. It gives the access key to the mysteries hidden. The
entity then enters the hidden meaning of things, words of GOD, and meeting as I had the
honor of saints and spiritual beings as angels.
The alert, which therefore is part of elected demonstrated naturally humble and do not draw
glory. Feature wise, sensitivity, simplicity, serenity, not seeking any personal satisfaction and
rejecting everything that belongs to the world of men, his only desire remains to be the ardent
desire to evolve, to grow spiritually in accumulating data received spiritual God or through
angels, spiritual assistants of the Supreme Being and therefore transmit in turn to men to help
them work in the last light. My goal, wish that man is liberated from the satanic philosophy.
I can say and I am the witness that what Christ said is true.
So, having asked the father (God) to show me the path that led him to the latter in his great
goodness I listened and allowed me to visit the spiritual world where I had a chance rare
meetings of the angels whose mission was to GOD they send me data on the incarnation.
Here is the story of this encounter and education that I have received.
While I was sleeping that night, I was transported in spirit in a spiritual universe that I never
knew the location, distance from the earth, unless there is data on this, I mean - There she has
no relation to the concept of distance that we have.
I found myself on the terrace of a house very comfortable with the style reminiscent of
tropical regions. The people held there, chatting gaily, letting himself be lulled by the trade
winds. It was fine that day, a magnificent sun shone throughout the region. I can not say what
came from the sun light, but one thing is certain, the weather was splendid.
Unless I am mistaken and as far as I can remember, I think it was slightly below level with the
sea or what took place. On the sides and apparently the back of the house, there were large
trees with branches Ambrogi and plants of floral beauty. One thing is sure, this spiritual
universe gave me a strong impression at the point of wanting to remain living there.
There was before me four angels who had invested, was it for the fact I can not say, a
feminine appearance. They were like sitting on woven mats on the floor for two of them, the
third was standing leaning on the wall surrounding the terrace, and stood to my left, and the
fourth was sitting, legs dangling, on the same wall but in front of me and even the opening
that led into the garden. I was standing and the four angels were facing me.
I do not remember taking the floor first, or if my presence in this unknown place surprised
me. Actually after thinking I was surprisingly calm. My interlocutors were themselves calm,
quiet. It is as if she wanted to create and maintain an atmosphere of total serenity, anxious to
put me at ease, one of them who spoke to me said:
You have a child who is waiting for you.
I was already surprised by the encounter in this strange place, that these words surprised me
I have a child, I expressed surprise, how is this possible?
I plunged into my memories, trying clumsily that could be the mother. While reflecting, I
turned slightly to my right appeared on the country where I imagined the presence of this
child. Another angel was standing with his right as a giant map of the country concerned.
Again this appearance does not surprise me, as if it was natural for me. In fact I can not say
precisely whether it was a card or if it was really the country in question which was before




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