The Spiritual World
Page 39 of 88

When He appeared in Vrindavana, He even drew to Him the birds, the animals, the trees and the plants. All were attracted by love and affection for Krishna.

God, the Supreme Person, embodies the Absolute Truth, but He manifests Himself through the unfolding of various energies. Those who adhere to the regulatory principles of devotional service ultimately reach the Vaikountha planets of the spiritual world. But who comes to adhere to the principles of love in the practice of such a service joins the supreme stay, Krishnaloka or Goloka. Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, the source of all Avatars and the cause of all causes. Innumerable are the Vaikounthas spiritual planets, the Avatars, the emanations of the Supreme Lord and the material galaxies. Krishna, the Sovereign Lord, is the only source. His absolute body is eternal, all of happiness and knowledge. Goloka Vrindavana is his home. He has fully the six excellences, wealth, power, renown, beauty, knowledge and renunciation. He is the Supreme Being, the Lord of all lords. Source of all that is, He has no other origin than Himself. The supreme cause of all causes, He lives in Vrindavana, his supreme planet, and He is as fascinating as Cupid.

Vrindavana is a place of eternally spiritual nature and populated by goddesses of fortune, known as the gopis. All are the beloved ones of Krishna and He, their only love. The trees are all wish-trees, from which we can get everything we want, the earth is made of philosopher's stone and the water is nectar. Each word is a song, every step is a dance, and the flute of Krishna accompanies the gestures of every moment. Everything shines with its own light, comparable to that of the sun and the moon in the material world. The human form is entirely intended for the understanding of this place of transcendence that is Vrindavana, and the wealthy souls must cultivate the knowledge of Vrindavana and its inhabitants. In this supreme stay, the Sourabhis cows flood the earth with their milk. Since every moment is used wisely, there is no past, no present, no future. A manifestation of this Vrindavana, Krishna's supreme abode, is on Earth in India, and the highly-worshiped devotees venerate it just as much as the Vrindavana of the spiritual world. No one, however, can appreciate Vrindavana without being deeply accomplished in spiritual knowledge, in Krishna consciousness. Our senses make us see Vrindavana as a place among many others, but in the eyes of the highly realized devotee it is no different from the original Vrindavana.

Different varieties of Krishna's personal devotees populate the kingdom of Transcendence. Anyone who wishes to enter Krishna's supreme abode can take refuge from one of his spiritual servants, then practice the service of love in order to reach the highest peaks of affection for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In other words, the devotee or devotee who, in the material universe, practices the service of love according to the activities of the eternal companions of Krishna will reach the same position as them when he or she becomes perfect.

No one can serve the Lord in his environment without being established in his pure spiritual identity, completely free from all material defilement. A person defiled by




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