The Spiritual World
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world) living beings, of indestructible nature, rest in its divine body. All the inhabitants of Vṛindāvana are pure souls, great souls, devotees and devotees of the Supreme Lord, and are all sources of all happy fortune, because one way or another they constantly sing the holy name of Kṛiṣhṇa . They are all very wise.

The galaxies of material creation are of limited dimensions as are the material planets, but the Vaikountha planets, by their spiritual nature, extend to infinity. Each of them covers millions, even billions of kilometers. No one can measure the extent. All their inhabitants are endowed with six excellences: wealth, strength, knowledge, beauty, renown and renunciation. On each of these spiritual planets, an emanation different from Krishna, the Supreme Lord, resides eternally. Krishna Himself has his own original, eternal home, called Krishnaloka or Goloka Vrindavane.

In our galaxy, even the largest star occupies only part of the space. Although it is millions of times more imposing than the Earth, the Sun does not fill space alone. Likewise, each of the Vaikountha planets, in spite of its incalculable dimensions, occupies only a part of the spiritual heaven, the radiance emanating from the divine body of Krishna, God, who is undivided, unlimited and without any trace of the material attributes of nature . All Vaikounthas are like the petals of a lotus whose heart is Krishnaloka, or Goloka Vrindavana, the center of all these planets. Krishna's emanations of various forms, as well as his dwellings on the different planets of the spiritual world, are all infinite in nature. Even celestial beings like Brahma and Shiva can neither see nor estimate the number or dimensions of the Vaikountha planets. No one can estimate the extent of the Vaikounthas spiritual planets, nor can anyone find any limit to the power of the Lord or the area of ​​the different Vaikountha planets.

All the Vaikounthas planets of the spiritual world are under the planet named Krishnaloka. On this star, the Lord delights in spiritual ecstasy in many forms, and all the excellences of the Vaikounthas are fully manifested on this one planet. Krishna's entourage is also endowed with six excellences. The material and spiritual energies are separated by the waters of the Viraja River, which emanates from the swelling of the first Supreme Avatar. On one side of the Viraja is the eternal nature, as infinite as it is felicitous, and known as the spiritual world, or Kingdom of God.

The service of love and devotion offered to Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead from the point of view of spiritual attachment, as practiced in the eternal kingdom of the Lord, is based on affection, feelings and feelings. respect of the Lord, the pure love felt for Krishna. The service of love and devotion as it is applied in the Krishna kingdom by all the great pure souls who live there languishes in their hearts when they sing the glories of the Supreme Lord. As Krishna, God, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is very dear to them, when they glorify His Name, His Fame, His Power, His Beauty, His Knowledge, and His Renunciation, they become as if stricken with madness, and in this state, it happens to them to laugh, to cry or to dance, without considering their surroundings.





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