The Spiritual World
Page 38 of 88

Gradually developing her love for God, her affection, emotion and ecstasy increase. Such attachment is the pinnacle of devotional love. The love of God is thus developed in the true devotee or the true devotee until his transcendental pleasure intensifies to the highest degree. The spiritual ecstasy of attachment to Krishna dwells in the hearts of all those who have been devoured by the practice of devotional service and who, because of their high consciousness, are always in joy.

Krishna says to this effect: "A person is filled with the idea of ​​attaching himself only to Me, seeing in Me his soul, his friend, his son, his master, his benefactor, his God and his ultimate goal. These devotees in no way suffer the influence of time."

According to various orders and classifications of devotees, their permanent devotional moods are divided into five categories: 1) serenity, 2) service to Krishna, 3) friendship with Krishna, 4) parental affection for Krishna, 5) Intimate love for Krishna. Each has a flavor of its own, and the devotee (or the devotee) established in one or the other is filled. The characteristic manifestations in the pure devotee are laughter and tears, when the emotion is positive, he laughs, and when it turns negative, he cries.

The service of love and devotion manifests itself in ten ways, including the regulated practice of devotional service. The other nine are grouped under the manifestation of the love of God. The people who are established in neutrality reach the level of perfection embodied in the love of God. Those who live a servant-master relationship with God develop their love for Him to the point of attachment. Those connected with the Lord through friendship develop the love of God to brotherhood. Those who have a parental love for the Lord are raised to the point of emotion. But only those linked to the Supreme Being through intimate or conjugal love can experience the highest ecstasy, absolute plenitude. The attraction of Krishna is so powerful that one can surrender to Him, the Supreme Person.

By his bliss, his knowledge and his eternity, God is as perfect as it is complete, and his perfection increases more when He becomes subjugated by the attention of his devotee and devotee. God is so good, so merciful, that He is able to give himself in return for the service that His devotee or devotee offers Him. His sublime qualities are such that the perfection of his beauty, the perfect reciprocity of love between him and his devotees (and his devotees) and the flavor of all his spiritual attributes fascinate various orders of spiritualists or transcendentalists and liberated souls when He manifests in different ways. For example, He captivated the mind of Sanak Kumara with the simple fragrance emanating from the flowers offered to Him. Shoukadeva Gosvami's mind was captivated by the spiritual entertainment of Krishna, and that of the young girls of Vrindavana, by its personal beauty. Rukmini's attention was captivated by his physical features and spiritual qualities, and the mind of the Goddess of Fortune was charmed by the sound of his flute and other sublime features. Krishna seduces the minds of all girls, but also that of the elders through her childhood entertainment, as well as that of her friends through her friendly activities.




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