The Spiritual World
Page 17 of 88

The spiritual world is the true eternal world.

The secret teaching of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

"I am that Supreme Person, who was before creation, when there was nothing but Me, and the cause of creation, the material nature, was not yet manifested. I am also the One you see now, Me, the Supreme Person, and I am also the One who will subsist after the annihilation".

"What seems to be of some value, but has no connection with Me, know it, is not real. It is only about My illusory energy, a reflection in the darkness.

"Know that the elements that make up the universe enter the cosmos while not entering it; likewise, I exist in all that is created, and simultaneously, I am out of all things."

"Whoever seeks to know the Absolute Truth, the Divine Supreme Person, must surely inquire in all circumstances, at all times and in all places, both directly and indirectly."

Everything in God is spiritual.

Spiritual and absolute knowledge has its origin in Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and no creature of this material world. God existed before creation, and his words are purely spiritual sound vibrations. The spiritual sound is not close to the material sound.

Verily, the Lord is purely spiritual, and no difference separates his Person from his Body. His body is no longer material, or subject to transformation, like that of ordinary beings. The Lord is not an ordinary man, He is all knowledge, bliss, and eternity. He is the Absolute Supreme Person and nothing distinguishes his Body from his Soul. He is both power and mighty. Since the Lord and his Absolute Body are one and the same, there is no question of Him leaving His Body. The Body of the Lord is no different from his Soul. Also, It is practically impossible for him to leave his form all knowledge, happiness and eternity since She is One. Each part of his spiritual and absolute body can fulfill the functions of all the others, none of the parts which compose it is different from another. Krishna can see with his eyes, but He can also see without his eyes. He can see with his hands and feet. He does not need to resort




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