The Spiritual World
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In the spiritual world, all beings live in harmony, without that nothing will break their communion. This is where the Lord reigns supreme and unique. Those who are gathered in this part of the creation of the Lord are free to go where they wish, and since this kingdom which comprises three quarters of the creation of the Lord is, in fact, unlimited, their common existence has not original and will never end.

The inhabitants of Vaikuntha planets bluish complexion of an azure sky. Their eyes resemble lotus, and their features are those of adolescents. All have four arms and body exerts a fascinating charm. They wear clothes with yellow shades, and are beautifully adorned with pearl necklaces adorned with medallions. A brilliant radiance emanates from their person.

All inhabitants have Vaikunthaloka spiritual bodily features, unknown in this material world. Such bodily features nowhere to meet in the material universe. Just as in this world, beings differ from one continent to another or from one planet to the other, the people of Vaikunthaloka have completely different physical traits of that observed in the material universe . For example, instead of having two arms, they all have four arms. Some radiance coral and diamonds. Their heads are adorned with wreaths, blooming like lotus. Some also wear earrings. Some of the inhabitants of Vaikunthaloka got the so-called liberation Sarupya, giving possess the same physical characteristics as those of God, the Supreme Person. Vaidurya the stone is the prerogative of the Supreme Lord, and one who accesses this form of release gets the privilege to wear, too, diamonds of this nature.

Various sparkling aircraft are flying gracefully in the sky of Vaikuntha planets; they carry great mahatmas, devotees of the Lord, and their companions have a heavenly complexion that makes them beautiful as lightning. To see them, it looks like the sky is both adorned with clouds and lightning.

In the sky of Vaikuntha fly sparkling aircraft in which travel the great devotees of the Lord, accompanied by ladies with heavenly beauty and a radiant complexion like lightning. It should also be there different kinds of vehicles, but it is certainly is not mechanical devices such as are used on earth. Everything is the same absolute nature, forever bathed in knowledge and bliss. As aircraft and other vehicles they also partake of the spiritual nature. Although in truth everything is spiritual, it should not make the mistake of thinking that absolute realm is only empty or without variety. Such a view denotes a poor background knowledge as only ignorance fact assimilate spiritual nothingness. Since there are aircraft, gentlemen and ladies, it must also be there cities, houses, and all the various planets may harbor within their respective natures. It is therefore not apply to the spiritual world the concept of imperfection in the material universe and neglect to take into account the specific nature of the spiritual atmosphere because, of course, as it was explained before, the time there no influence any more than other hardware factors. Unlike the material universe, there is nothing impersonal in the spiritual world, because the element of knowledge or cetana, necessarily applies to a person. In the spiritual world, everything is to know. As a result, land, water, trees, mountains, rivers, people, animals, birds, in short, everything therein is part of this same nature cetana said: everything is personal and knowledge.

There are two kinds of living entities. The nitya-muktas, the most numerous, are forever released, while the other, called nitya-baddhas, souls forever conditioned, are likely to want to subject the material nature. Also the material cosmic creation is it designed for those souls eternally conditioned for two reasons. First, they can satisfy their tendency to reign supreme in the cosmic manifestation, and they are also granted the opportunity to return to God. After the dissolution of the cosmic manifestation, therefore, most of the conditioned souls merge into the existence of Maha-Vishnu, the Supreme Personality plunged into a mystic sleep, and they will again be manifested in the next creation. Some, however, who have obeyed the transcendental sound of Vedic scriptures and who will thus be qualified to return to God, return to their original spiritual body after leaving their material envelopes, gross and subtle (ethereal). Forgetting the relationship between the living entities with God is the source of the body of material that they must take. But in His infinite mercy, the Lord, through various avatars, day gave the Scriptures revealed to help these conditioned souls regain their original position on the occasion of the cosmic manifestation.




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