The pervasive Supreme Personality in His form of Supreme Soul, also called the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of every living being. The Lord in His localized aspect is said to measure the distance between the ring finger and the thumb, a twenty centimeters. Form into our verse described respectively in His four hands -from the bottom right to the lower left and clockwise montre- a lotus, the chariot wheel, conch mass is that of Janardana, a plenary portion of the Lord who directs the generality of men. There are many other forms of the Lord who stand in the order in which they are the symbols of lotus, conch, wheel and mass. They are called Purusottama, Acyuta, Narasimha, Trivikrama, Hrsikesa, Kesava, Madhava, Aniruddha, Pradyumna, Sankarsana, Sridhara, Vasudeva, Damodara, Janardana, Narayana, Hari, Padmanabha, Vamana, Madhusudana, Govinda, Krsna Visnumurti, Adhoksaja and Upendra . These twenty-four forms of the Lord in His localized nature are worshiped in various parts of the planetary system and for each of these divine manifestations there is a Vaikuntha planet in the spiritual world, the paravyoma. There are still hundreds of other forms of the Lord and each rules over a planet set in the spiritual world, the material universe is a tiny offshoot. In short, all these forms are called Advaita, meaning that no differs from the other, and each Enjoys eternal youth.
The Lord is the ultimate form of eternity, knowledge and bliss, while the brahmajyoti, the radiance that emanates from its original spiritual body, devoid of form, is simply a manifestation of eternity and knowledge . The Vaikuntha planets are also forms of eternity, knowledge and bliss, and the devotees, pure souls, admitted into the kingdom of God will each get a body of eternity, knowledge and bliss.
Thus these various spiritual elements do they differ in any way. La Demeure, the Name, Fame, Entourage, etc. Lord's all part of the same transcendental nature and our verse is to describe the distinctive features of this purely spiritual nature from that of the material universe. The desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord and Master of all that is spiritual, or immaterial, and it is necessary to achieve the purification of the mind and senses if one wishes to be admitted to the world spiritual. There may be a busy man of worldly thoughts reaches the highest planet in the material universe, but never God's kingdom. The senses are called spiritually purified when their activities do not seek material pleasure. Of course inherently sense must act, but when it absorbs completely in absolute loving service of the Lord, they are free from material contamination.
The Lord is the everlasting Supreme Being distinct from all other eternal beings that we are, and as the only Sovereign Lord watching over countless living beings. So the Supreme Lord and Almighty that supports all individual souls, as those conditioned by matter than those existing at the released state, through the various emanations of His Person and His three major energies: the internal energy , external and marginal. The living entities are His marginal energy, and some of them closer to the Lord, are being assigned an active part in creation. So is it Brahma, of Marici and others to whom the Lord inspires the role they have to play. As for the external energy maya, it carries within it the jivas, conditioned souls, while the liberated beings who also belong to the marginal energy, live free from conditioning in the spiritual realm where the Lord through His various plenary portions, sharing with them purely spiritual exchange. Thus, the one Lord Absolute If does He multiply into many separate entities so that all diversity lives in Him and He is present in all multiplicity although it Differs from them all simultaneously. This is the inconceivable supernatural power of the Lord, that which makes everything is inconceivably both different and not different from His own Person.
The Lord created one universe, and that is an act within the marvelous, the inconceivable. Such universes exist in infinite number and all together constitute what is called material creation. But this will in turn represents a fraction of the entire creation. Indeed, the material world is only a part, or the "quarter" of all the energies of the Lord. The spiritual world that the Gita defines the terms by mad-dhama and Sanatana-dhama, the eternal world, is the other three "quarters" of the one reality. The previous verse stated that the Lord created and then reabsorbed His creation; but this only applies to the material universe because the other part of creation, the largest, is the spiritual world says Vaikuntha, is never created or destroyed, otherwise it can not be qualified as eternal. The Lord inhabits this dhama, and His Names, Attributes, Entertainment, Entourage and Personality, all eternal, are all manifestations of His different energies and emanations. He is said to anadi He is, that He was not created, but that He is adi, the origin of all things.