The Spiritual World
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Just as the sun's rays are diffused from the sun globe, the brahmajyoti emanating from Goloka Vrndavana, the highest planet in the spiritual world. Unlimited and well beyond the material universe, the spiritual world is called Vaikuntha studded spiritual planets. Materialists badly know their own universe, what about the absolute realm. Also secular minds they are still very far from the Lord. And even if one day they get to make a craft whose speed would equal that of the wind or thought, they can not even hope to reach the planets of the spiritual world. For them, the Lord and His sublime will forever remain a myth or a mystery problem, but against the Lord will always be willing to grant his company to His devotees.

The Lord unfolds in the spiritual world an immeasurable splendor. He lives in each of innumerable Vaikuntha planets by His plenary expansions and Se surrounds His liberated devotees. As for the impersonalists who want to merge into His existence, they will be allowed to join the brahmajyoti as spiritual sparks. They are not qualified to live in the company of the Lord, even the Vaikuntha planets or Goloka Vrndavana, the highest star.

The material universe, where the Supreme Lord allows the conditioned souls to act under his supervision, is successively created and destroyed in an endless cycle. The material creation is akin to the formation of a cloud in the vastness of the sky, and the spiritual world is the real sky, invaded by the eternal radiance of the brahmajyoti; somewhere in this unlimited space forms the cloud of the material creation, the material universe, where are placed the conditioned souls trying to impose their will against that of the Lord, they give vent to their aspirations under the tutelage of the external energy of the Lord.

In the spiritual world, there is a transcendental variety. There, each of denatured forms visible in the hardware variety is represented full, in his original spiritual identity. While the material action is contaminated by material influence of gunas, the modes of material nature, spiritual energies of the world preserve a complete purity because they are engaged in pure and absolute loving service offered to the Lord. So what makes the difference. In the spiritual world, the Lord is the sublime beneficiary of all things and all beings are busy serving Him with love, never be affected by material contamination of the gunas. The spiritual world of work beyond all the imperfections of the material world.

The planets of the spiritual world are at least three times more numerous than those of the material universe, and because they have a spiritual nature, they transcend the physical influence of the gunas and therefore lie in pure virtue. The concept of spiritual bliss, the Brahmananda, it is manifested in all its fullness. Each of these spiritual planets is absolute, indestructible and free from all the imperfections related to this material world. Each produces its own radiance, which equals the inconceivable radiation million suns together. Those who live there are free from old age, sickness, death and rebirth, and their perfect knowledge embraces everything. They are pure and free from all forms of desires. There they act only to provide Narayana, the Supreme Lord of Vaikuntha planets, a sublime love service. These liberated beings unceasingly sing the hymns of the Sama-veda. The tripad-vibhuti, which represents three quarters of all and that is formed in the internal energy of the Lord, is the kingdom of God, beyond the material spheres. In the absolute kingdom, the Lord and His eternal servants all have forms of suitable character, infallible, spiritual and eternal youth. In short, there is neither birth nor old, neither disease nor death. This eternal country, rich in spiritual pleasures, contains beauty and bliss. Whoever reaches his immortal remains will never be back in this world full of death and the three sources of suffering. The Lord is not master of this material world. Absolute kingdom is saturated nature of happiness, a growing happiness by force of a renewed appreciation without ceasing; bliss is never dull.




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