Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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higher intelligence, to travel to one of the spiritual planets. to live there with the Supreme Person.

The soul is in this material world, everywhere present. Depending on the body in which it was embodied, we find it in every corner of God's creation. The embodied spiritual beings thus live in water, in air, on earth, under earth, and even in fire, because the soul is not affected by it. Let us be sure that even the sun is inhabited by beings provided with bodies adapted to this star. All the planets are inhabited, because according to their atmospheres, a specific body is granted to the souls who must incarnate there according to their karma.

The soul is invisible, inconceivable and immutable. It is eternally the same and always remains a living spiritual spark.

Verily, the material body deteriorates over time, while the soul remains eternal. Whoever understands this fact must remember that the body is only a garment, and that there is no reason to complain about a change of clothing. Before the eternity of the soul, the existence of the body passes like a dream. That is why it is imperative to seek the interests of the soul, and not that of the body.

Man is, in truth, a trilogy.

The Supreme Eternal says: Like the ether, which, however spread everywhere, yet it of a subtle nature, cannot mingle with anything, so the soul, of the spiritual substance, although in the body, does not mingle with it.

L ether penetrates water, earth, everything that exists, but it does not mix with anything. Likewise, the soul, although it is in various forms of body, remains, by its subtle or ethereal nature, independent of these various bodies. It is therefore impossible to see, with our material eyes, how the soul is in contact with the body, and how it separates from it when the latter perishes.

In truth, man is composed of a material body, that is, of dense matter, an ethereal body and an eternal spiritual soul.

The material body is not than the envelope of the spiritual soul. We are in reality a spiritual soul also called spiritual atom, spiritual spark or spiritual particle, issuing from the radiance which emanates from the sublime and absolute spiritual body of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, itself an emanation of the spiritual energy of the Lord. The mind, intelligence and false ego form the ethereal body in which the spiritual soul is enclosed. At the moment of death which concerns only the material body and not the soul which is itself eternal, the ethereal body which is the internal envelope, transports the soul into the new body that a new mother is preparing for it. The spiritual being who will incarnate there, and the body of dense matter made of earth, water, fire, air and ether, constitutes the outer envelope of the spiritual being.




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