Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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I have remained faithful to the true and pure word of God, to his own sublime, saving teaching, which I transmit to you as is, without add nothing, without subtracting anything and without modifying anything either.

It is with undisguised pleasure that I say to all human beings without exception, Here is Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

You now know who He really is, so follow Him, listen to Him, obey Him, do what He says, surrender to Him, renew your bond with Him, link your interests to His, serve Him with love and devotion and return all to his absolute realm, all of peace, knowledge, bliss and eternity. You will know an ineffable happiness there, without end. To live in the kingdom of God is to spend an eternal sublime vacation.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the true and only goal of existence.

Happy are those who are aware of the spiritual reality of their be true, for they will then understand that they have no lasting, eternal bond except with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

They therefore experience an undisguised pleasure in serving with love and devotion the only interests of Krishna, and no one else.

Such is the purity of motive and action, the level at which the pure devotional service offered to the Lord is practiced in full awareness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

Verily, no one can estimate the magnitude of the extraordinary feats of Lord Visnu, the full emanation of Krishna.

No one in the past has been able to measure the glories of the Lord, and neither will anyone be able to do in the future. One must simply be content to see the sublime and glorious works of the Supreme Lord's creation.

Anyone who listens to the account of the extraordinary activities of the various Avatars of Krishna, God the Supreme Person, is certainly seen being lifted up to the higher planets, or even return to his original home, with the Lord, to his absolute kingdom.

All that Krishna, God, the Supreme Person has taught me, I in turn reveal to you.

Krishna is God, the Supreme Person, the Absolute Truth. He is the Unique Absolute without a second, everything emanates from Him. He is the source of all that exists, the transcendent light that illuminates everything and the pure essence of all-pervading beauty. He is the source of life, the ultimate goal of existence, the ultimate rest and abode of infinite spiritual quality. He is goodness personified.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person is the one and the ultimate true secret of success.

The Lord says: There is really nothing that exists outside of Me, this is what you must clearly understand.

I invite you to read and re-read, or study and re-study this wonderful teaching of Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in order to have a clearer and greater understanding.

Then you will find that you make new discoveries each time, and your discernment will thus increase.

Your life will then be a success.

Anyone who listens or reads the account of the Lord's amusements becomes immediately cleansed of filth related to material existence.

Whoever hears them, reads them or repeats them to others, becomes aware of Krishna. Only Krishna-conscious beings qualify to return to their original home, located in the eternal and absolute kingdom of God.

Words to the glory of Lord Krishna know such purity, that where they resonate they sanctify the place, the one who informs about it, the narrator, those who listen, in short everything related to it.




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