Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 21 of 624

All visible phenomenon of cosmic manifestation belongs to the energy of the Supreme Lord, not different from Him. Therefore, He is the Master, the Friend and the support of all living beings. Let us therefore live by the grace of God, and take only what is due to us, without encroaching on the part of others. This is how we can live happily.

It is to serve Krishna, God, the Supreme Person that we were created, that is the first reason for our existence.

The Supreme Lord, Krishna, the Sovereign Divine Person, is by nature overflowing with joy, and He multiplies himself in order to increase his spiritual and absolute happiness. And we distinct beings already existed as tiny parts of the Supreme Lord for the satisfaction of his divine senses.

The living being, the soul embodied in a human body, animal or plant, belongs to the internal energy of the Lord and so is therefore also the same, but it never equals and surpasses God, Krishna. God and other beings all have their own individuality. Spirit beings distinct from God may also, with the aid of material energy, exercise some creative power, but none of their creations equal or surpass those of the Lord.

There are only spirits unreasonable, insane, to affirm that they are only one with God, and thus let themselves be led astray by the illusory energy which plunges them into the darkness of ignorance.

In their error they have no other recourse than to recognize the supremacy of Lord Krishna, and to engage voluntarily in his service of love and devotion, for it is in order to act thus that they have been created. If they do not return to this original and natural duty, the world will not be able to know peace and quiet.

The spiritual being is only a tiny fragment of Krishna, created by the Lord to contribute to his joy.

Just as an organ contributes to the harmonious functioning of the whole body, but cannot enjoy by itself in an autonomous way, the distinct being of God has the sole role of being united with the Lord in a spirit of “cooperation”.

The hands by bringing food to the mouth, the feet by moving the body, the teeth by chewing the food, the eyes by observing…, all act to satisfy the stomach, “energy central” on which the whole organism depends. No part of the body can relate to itself the enjoyment of its actions. The tree is nourished by watering its roots, not its branches, and the body by feeding the stomach. Another example, the red blood cells have the mission of transporting oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and in return recover the carbon dioxide, in order to evacuate it during the exhalation. As for white blood cells, their role is to defend the organism against external aggressions.

Now, this relationship also exists between the Lord, creator and supreme beneficiary of all that Is, and spiritual beings, his subordinate creatures. As parts of the Whole




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