Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 15 of 624

The Lord adds : Know that not can be destroyed which penetrates the whole body. No one can destroy the imperishable soul.

The soul is indestructible, eternal and without measure. Only the material bodies which it borrows are subject to destruction. No weapon can split the soul, nor fire can burn it. Water cannot wet it, nor the wind dry it out. The soul is indivisible and insoluble. The fire does not reach it, it cannot be dried up. It is immortal and eternal, omnipresent, unalterable and fixed. It is said of the soul that it is indivisible, inconceivable and immutable.

We give the eternity of being a primordial importance. Science will reach its apogee when it fully understands the characteristics of this eternal being, made of antimatter, and will know how to free it from the jail of the body.

Continuously, the eternal particle seeks to free itself from its painful contact with the ephemeral body, and this conflict of each moment is even what indicates to us our incompatibility with matter. Because of the presence of the antimatter particle in it, the body is wasting away every second. The spiritual soul, particle of antimatter, is indestructible and immutable. It can therefore never perish. What happens to the being after the destruction of the body, God explains it in these terms:

At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, the old one become useless, just as one sheds worn clothes to put on new ones.

The soul knows neither birth nor death. Alive, she will never cease to be. Unborn, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning, and will never have an end. She does not die with the body.

Whoever sits in the body is eternal, he can never be killed. So you don't have to mourn anyone.

Because it was created at some point, the body will be destroyed. Everything that was once created must perish, such is the rule that applies to the material universe as to the material body. But the soul does not perish, for it was never created, being a tiny fragment of the Supreme Person.

The particle of antimatter, the soul, has attributes that are difficult for human understanding to understand, because they are in absolute contrast to what they usually know. Original, older than any material element, antimatter eternally retains its freshness and youth. Even placed in contact with material nature, it is not subject to its laws.

This is how Krishna, God, the Supreme Person portrayed the particle of antimatter, the spiritual soul, revealing its exceptional attributes. It also gives the description of a whole world of antimatter, located beyond the material universe. Everything is eternal, conscious, made of knowledge and bliss.




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