Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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that is God, the Supreme Person, we must all contribute to his joy, to his satisfaction. It is only in this way that we will find our own happiness.

The reasons for the imprisonment of the soul in matter.

The spiritual souls who have descended into the material universe have themselves made this choice.

The Lord said : If the soul is thus imprisoned, it is because it nourishes an erroneous conception of its identity, and takes itself for the supreme beneficiary. It is this false ego in the living being that forces it to know the imprisonment within material existence.

As Supreme and Absolute Truth, I personally situate myself beyond being living, as well as its material envelope. Both energies, material and spiritual, operate under My sovereign authority.

The spiritual being is separated from Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, because of his disobedience to the Lord, his refusal to serve him with love and devotion, the envy he feels towards God and the fact that he calls into question the authority and the supremacy of the Sovereign Person, its real meaning is therefore lost.

In truth, the individual spiritual beings who have descended into this world of dense matter have themselves made the choice of the pleasures of the senses, and of tasting the material pleasures. It was not Krishna, God, the Supreme Person who sent them down here. The Lord righteously, in his goodness, granted their desire.

God created the material world to satisfy all those who desire to give up the eternal service which they must offer to the Lord, and who want to themselves become the supreme masters and beneficiaries of all things. When a living being wishes to satisfy his senses and forgets the service of the Lord, he is immediately placed in the material world where he then acts freely according to his own desire, and thus creates for himself the conditions of existence that will make him happy. or its misfortune.

It is important to know that the Lord and living beings are eternally conscious and none of them knows birth or death.

In truth, the creation of the material universe is part of the Lord's entertainment, because He creates it for His own enjoyment, and because it takes place when He desires it. This desire for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is also an extreme mercy on his part, for He thus gives the opportunity to souls embodied and conditioned by matter and energy of illusion, to regain their original consciousness and return to God. No one can therefore blame the Supreme Lord for the creation of this material world.




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