Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
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source. The distinct souls, integral parts of the Spiritual Whole, Krishna, can be compared to the innumerable molecules of light making up the rays of the sun. Spiritual souls also called, spiritual entities, spiritual beings, spiritual atoms or spiritual sparks, they compose the radiance of the Lord and constitute his superior energy.

The soul is indestructible, eternal and without measure, only the bodies of dense matter which it borrows or in which it reincarnates are subject to destruction, to death. She is not born, and neither does she die. Alive, she will never cease to be. Unborn, immortal, original, eternal, it never had a beginning, and will never have an end. It does not die with the body.

Qualitatively, the infinitesimal soul is one with the Supreme Soul, of which it is a tiny eternal part. It does not undergo changes like the body, which is why it is said to be “immutable”. The soul has no past, present, or future. It also does not age like the material body. Body changes do not affect the soul, it does not perish like any material object, nor does it produce offspring. It is thanks to the soul that resides in the heart of the particular body of matter, human or animal, that the latter can develop and live. Remove the soul from the body of matter in which it resides, and the latter will immediately become inert, dead and therefore cold, for the soul, the vital force has gone out.

The soul is always fully conscious and full of knowledge. Consciousness is the perceptible manifestation of the soul, for if we cannot perceive the presence of the soul in the heart where it resides, we can still apprehend its existence through the consciousness that emanates from it. Since a consciousness animates all bodies, human or animal, it must be present in each of them. The consciousness of the distinct soul differs from that of God in that the latter is supreme and possesses integral knowledge of the past, present and future. The consciousness of the tiny soul, on the contrary, is limited, and subject to oblivion. She forgets her true nature when she dresses and dwells in a body of dense matter, while Krishna, who does not have this weakness, instructs her, enlightens her by his teaching.

No weapon can split the soul, nor fire burn it, water cannot wet it, nor wind dry it up. Nothing can destroy the soul, neither fire, nor rain, nor tornado, nor any weapon, nothing can destroy the soul.

Truly, it is impossible to undo the bond that binds the soul individual distinct from the Original Supreme Soul. Spiritual beings always remain integral parts of the Lord, but distinct from Him, and even freed from the yoke of the energy of illusion, maya, the soul retains its individuality.

The soul is individual and insoluble. It is immortal, eternal, omnipresent, unalterable and fixed. In reality after liberation, the infinitesimal soul can choose to live as a spark in the radiance radiating from the spiritual and absolute body of God, or, showing a




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