The Spiritual World
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Some special signs mark the feet of the Lord, that's different from all other beings. These signs -l'étendard, lightning, the mahout stick, the umbrella, the lotus flower, disc ...- were printed on fine dust of the regions that crossed the Lord. Thus the floor of Hastinapura received the footprints of Lord Krsna when He was with Getting the Pandavas, and by the grace of the happy signs, the kingdom flourished.

Whenever the Lord descends on earth, He is surrounded by His eternal companions. In His spiritual kingdom, named cintamani-dhama, where the houses are built of Philosopher's stones and trees with the power to fulfill all the desires, the Lord is always served with reverence by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune.

The darkened minds unaware that various body wraps their devolved to which they are subjected in each such form of imprisonment, and that only after many deaths and rebirths they get the human form, as an opportunity to undertake the work of spiritual realization, to return to God in their home first. Fools do not see the real in its true light, and focus on a thousand projects of survival in a comfortable place where they can forever affect the interests of their '' capital ''. blind utopia chimera, to which they cling, even the worst adversities come to bring them tangible sign of a very different reality of their dream. A wise function is to enlighten those minds, to help them return to God, to whom life is eternal. No desire to return to the material world, where there is suffering, for one who has come to his kingdom. And measure the importance and responsibility of high character that takes the task entrusted to such a great soul.

The Supreme Lord, God is One, but by His félicieuse nature He loves to manifest Himself through various energies. The living entities, for example, are all manifestations of His marginal energy, same as him, and these separate beings are infinite, both inside and outside Its internal and external energies. In the spiritual world, a manifestation of the internal energy of the Lord, the beings are qualitatively one with the Lord, and do not know the taint of external energy.

In the material world, however, this taint occurs and the qualitative unity of beings with the Lord it clear that so perverted. They face the joys and pains illusory. These dualities result of the constant struggle between the strong and the weak, reflect the various degrees of packaging material and are not all that ephemeral events, no real grip on the soul, which is spiritual in nature. The very perception of these dualities occurs only by forgetting that being is equal in quality with the Lord. However, the Lord Himself worked tirelessly from inside and outside, to raise their fallen condition the forgetful souls. It corrects within the soul invaded desires, in the localized form of Supreme Soul, and from the outside in the form of the spiritual master and the revealed scriptures. Turn to the Lord, no longer be reached by the illusory manifestations of joy and pain, and seek only to assist the Lord in His work of tangible recovery of fallen souls.

Of the heavenly planets and various other in this universe are beings of high intelligence, far superior to that of humans. All are virtuous, according to the highest standards of virtue are all devotees of the Lord and that their virtue is not absolutely pure, called the still demigods because they have the largest number of qualities it is possible to obtain in this world of matter.

A pure devotee of the Lord really live any material planets, nor feel any contact with the material elements. His body is not, strictly speaking, equipment; it is covered with spiritual energy, by the identity of its interests and those of the Lord. As he remains forever free of dirt from material nature. He still lives in the spiritual world, he achieved by piercing the seven veils of matter by the power of devotional service. The conditioned souls, they, remain trapped in.




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