The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 456 of 728

Logos 177

In truth, the embodied and conditioned soul is forced to act under the pressure exerted on it by the three gunas, the three attributes and modes of influence of material nature; virtue, passion and ignorance. The individual spiritual being has no independence. As soon as he engages in material activities with the impression of fulfilling his senses, he does undergo the spell of material nature. But when he places himself under the tutelage of the Sovereign Lord, he remains free.

Each one acts according to the particular material influences which condition it. We use the word guna to designate the attributes of nature. Thus, the being undergoes the grip of the gunas, but believes himself the master of everything. Nevertheless, it is enough to devote oneself to devotional service under the direction of the Supreme Lord or of the one who represents him (such as the spiritual master servant of God) in an authentic way to dismiss this feeling of illusory possession.

A conditioned soul may well have good nature and act in virtue, but it remains conditioned, dominated by material nature. The sage acts in everything under the direction of the Supreme Lord; therefore, even if his actions do not necessarily appear the highest in the eyes of men, he does not have to bear the responsibility for them and is free from all karma.

Logos 178

The Lord says: “When the individual being, having become aware of his true identity and his unchanging position does not pretend to possess anything, he ceases to be affected by the attributes of material nature. He stays away from material influences, even though he lives in a material body”.

A person detached from the influences of material nature remains like the sun reflecting on water: neither the movements of the wave, nor its freshness, nor its instability can affect the sun. Likewise, one who becomes absorbed in the activities of the devotional service offered to God, becomes as immutable as the sun whose image is reflected in the water. The holy being may appear to be in the material universe, but in fact he lives in the spiritual world. It is not subject to the influences of material nature.

In truth, each individual spiritual being is a tiny part of the Supreme Lord, so their eternal position is to cooperate with Him, to dedicate their energy to Him. Therein




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