The Pure Spiritual Science
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must be purified; he must rediscover his identity in relation to the Supreme Lord. In the conditioned state, the being sees everything as an object of personal satisfaction, while in the liberated state, he sees everything in relation to the service of the Supreme Lord. Thus, the conscience of God, the service of devotion, corresponds to the true liberated state. On the contrary, the acceptance or rejection of anything on the material plane, within the framework of nihilism or impersonalism, places the pure soul in an imperfect situation.

Whoever dedicates all his vital energy, his wealth, his intelligence and his words to the Lord, or who wishes to do so, must be considered as a liberated soul, whatever his condition, because this man has grasped things in their truth.

Logos 171

The Lord said: “One must establish oneself on the spiritual level, beyond the different levels of material consciousness, and remain free from any other conception of existence. Liberating oneself from identification with one's body, one must learn to see one's own being as one sees the sun in the sky”.

Consciousness acts on three different levels under the influence of a material conception of existence, depending on whether one is in the waking state, in half-sleep or deeply asleep. But to become aware of God, one must transcend these three levels. Our present consciousness must be freed from all perception of life that is foreign to the consciousness of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. When one reaches the perfect awareness of God, one sees only God.

Many moving and immobile objects can be offered to the sight of the perfect virtuous, but he will see the energy of Krishna, God, acting in everything. As soon as he remembers the energy of the Lord, he remembers the Supreme Eternal in his personal form. Thus he sees in all things only Krishna. He whose eyes are anointed with the balm of love for God sees nothing but Krishna, inside and out. We must free ourselves from all other vision, and in this way escape the identification of our body to henceforth see ourselves as an eternal servant of the Lord. The being who has fully developed his awareness of God can see God and his energy.

When self-identification with the body is eliminated, we acquire the real view of existence. As a result, the senses must also be purified, for it is only then that true divine service begins.





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