The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 454 of 728

for his satisfaction. He must always be thoughtful, serene, benevolent, compassionate and aware of his true self.

Logos 174

These three truths must dictate our conduct, at all times and in all places.

1) Everything in the material universe and the spiritual world belongs to the Supreme Eternal.

2) His satisfaction is the ultimate criterion of any action; we must do his sole will, offer him all our actions and join our interest in his.

3) He is the best friend of all beings.

Not only must we understand and apply these three truths, but we must also spread the consciousness of God. As soon as one seriously turns to the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord, the illusory tendency to want to dominate material nature naturally disappears. Rather than vainly trying to reign supreme over material energy, let us devote ourselves to the consciousness of God; therein lies the true mastery of consciousness. Now, the practice of union with God requires mastery of the senses.

Logos 175

The Lord said: “Although the soul is transcendent to material existence, its existence in this world continues endlessly because of its spirit of dominion over nature. As in a dream, she experiences all kinds of inconvenience”.

In truth, the soul has nothing to do with material nature, but because of its dominating mentality, it exposes itself to knowing the conditions of material existence. As long as the being continues to believe that he can enjoy the benefits offered by matter, he remains conditioned; but that he rediscovers his senses and he immediately understands that the world is not made for his pleasure, because the Sovereign Lord is the one and only beneficiary of all that exists.

The Eternal Supreme is the recipient of the fruits of all sacrifices and all austerities, He the master of the three worlds; and he’s still the true friend of all beings. But rather than leaving these prerogatives to God, the Supreme Person, we imagine that everything belongs to us and exists for our pleasure, and that we are the benefactors




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