The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 405 of 728

As the Eternal Supreme affirms, whoever reaches his immortal home will never have to return to this world of death and the three sources of suffering. The Lord has nothing of the masters of this world. The latter never allow their inferiors to taste a happiness equal to theirs, moreover, they are not immortal and cannot confer immortality on their subordinates.

The Supreme Lord, Master of all living beings, has the power to decorate his devotee with all the attributes of his own Person, including immortality and spiritual bliss.

Logos 96

The planets of the spiritual world are at least three times more numerous than those of the material universe, and because they have a spiritual nature, they transcend the material influence of the attributes of material nature and are therefore located in pure virtue.

The concept of spiritual bliss is manifested in all its fullness. Each of these spiritual planets is absolute, indestructible and free from all the imperfections linked to this material world. Each produces its own radiance, which equals the inconceivable radiance of millions of suns combined. Those who live there are freed from old age, sickness, death and rebirth, and their perfect knowledge embraces everything. They are pure and free from all forms of desires. There they act only to offer the Lord, the Sovereign Lord of spiritual planets, a service of sublime love. These freed beings continually sing hymns in order to glorify God.

The spiritual world which represents three quarters of the whole and which is formed from the internal energy of the Lord, constitutes the kingdom of God, far beyond the material spheres. The other quarter, its external energy, constitutes the material universe. The kingdom of God is spiritual, absolute, while the universe of matter is material. The first is therefore eternal, the second, transitory. In the absolute kingdom, the Lord and His eternal servants all have auspicious, infallible, spiritual, and eternally youthful forms. In short, there is no birth, no old age, no illness, no death. This eternal region, rich in spiritual pleasures, conceals beauty and bliss.

Logos 97

The Supreme Lord Himself is the foundation of the radiance which constitutes its impersonal aspect, the only form of God known to men.





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