The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 402 of 728

be himself the Supreme Lord, this is why the Lord then places him in a dream state where he will believe himself to be such.

Consequently, the original guilty desire consists in wanting to be God himself, as a result of which the Lord causes the distinct being to forget his real existence and thus dream of a utopian world in which he would be somehow l equal of the Lord. The Lord gives wayward children that we are this reflection of the material world. To be thus placed in the illusion, will try to dominate the material world, but will soon give it up, frustrated, and will wish to become one with the Lord. But these two phases of conditioned existence correspond only to dreams, only to an illusion. This vision will continue life after life, as long as he has not developed pure awareness of his true identity as an integral part of the Lord.

In its original state of pure consciousness, the distinct being is careful not to be the prey of such a dream, he always remembers that he cannot in any case be the Lord but that he remains his eternal servant, bound to Him by a purely spiritual love.

Logos 91

Human beings must renew the bond that unites them to the Supreme Eternal and restore their relationship with God.

From the beginning of the current era, the era of discord and quarrels, appeared the four original bases of sin, that is: illicit sexual relations, intoxication in all its forms, games of chance and slaughter. useless animals that gradually marked the society of their influence. Because of this, man gradually came to forget the eternal relationship that united him to God, and the ultimate goal of his existence. Man is not made to lead an animal life, a life of irresponsibility which consists only in eating, sleeping, mating and defending oneself.

Humanity has forgotten that happiness in all its forms rests in the Person of the Sovereign Lord, since it is the ultimate source of everything and the reservoir of all blessings. However, it is only by renewing the bond of love that unites us to Him that we can taste unhindered complete and perfect happiness. And only the company of the Lord will be able to free us from this fatal material existence.

It is through a spiritual master, a true servant of God who will impart to you the knowledge of the Lord, that you will know who is the Supreme Eternal and how to return to his eternal kingdom. Man is a prisoner of the material universe, and he ignores it.





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