The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 287 of 728

Just as small grains of sand are sometimes united sometimes separated by the force of the waves, the living beings which agreed to take on material bodies are sometimes united and other times separated by the force of time. The contempt of the conditioned soul comes from its bodily conception of life. The body is material, but the soul inside is spiritual. This is what is meant by"spiritual understanding."Unfortunately, the one who is plunged into ignorance under the influence of material illusion regards the body as his true “self”. Like small grains of sand, bodies come into contact with each other, then they are separated by time, and, in their illusion, people lament for matters of union and separation. There is no question of happiness for those who do not know that.

Here is the first instruction of the Lord.

“At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, as naturally as it passed, in the previous one, from childhood to youth, then to old age. This change does not disturb those who are aware of their spiritual nature.”

We are not the body; we are spiritual beings trapped in a body of matter. Our real interest is to understand this truth; then we can make further progress in the spiritual realm. Otherwise, if we stick to our bodily concept of life, our miserable existence in this world will go on forever. The political arrangements, social charities, medical assistance and other programs that we have set up for the peace and happiness of mankind will be transitory. We will have to suffer the sufferings of material life one after the other. This is why it is said of this existence that it is a real reservoir of miserable conditions.

The seeds that are sown sometimes become plants, but sometimes it is not. Sometimes the soil is not fertile and seeding turns out to be unproductive. Likewise, a man, influenced by the power of the Supreme Lord, can father a child, but sometimes conception does not take place. So one should not lament the artificial kinship which, ultimately, is subordinated to the will of the Supreme Lord. It is by virtue of this that we are born in such and such a family, in such and such an environment, with a certain personality. All this is regulated by the Supreme Lord according to the desires suggested to us by Maya, illusion. Consequently, in the life of devotion, one should not desire anything, since everything depends on God, the Supreme Person.

It is written: “We must serve Krishna, the Supreme Lord, with absolute love and in a way that pleases Him, without any desire for profit or material gain, either through self-interested activities or conjectures. philosophical. This is what is called pure devotional service.”





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