The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 288 of 728

We should only act to develop our Krishna Consciousness. For everything else, you have to fully rely on the Supreme Person. We should not be planning projects that will ultimately lead to feelings of frustration.

All beings, mobile and immobile, living in this world, you, myself included, are in a temporary situation. It did not exist before we were born and, after we die, it will no longer exist. As a result, our present situation is only fleeting, although it is not unreal. The incarnate being has a very real existence, but its current situation within matter is false, without reality. However, her present situation is not unreal, but only temporary; we can compare it to a dream. A dream does not exist before you fall asleep, nor does it continue once you wake up. The dream period only exists between these two moments; it is therefore unreal in the sense that it is not permanent. Likewise, all material creation, including other creatures and ourselves, is transient in nature. We are not affected by a dream before it takes place or after it has passed; so one should not accept as real a dream or a situation analogous to a dream, and lament when one lives it. This is real knowledge.

God, the Supreme Person, is the Master and the owner of all that exists. He creates through a father who begets a son, He keeps through a government that looks after the well-being of his people, and He destroys through agents, whose mission is to kill. Agents to create, maintain and destroy have no independent power. However, under the influence of the energy of illusion, we imagine ourselves to be the creator, the one who maintains and who annihilates. Just as one seed produces another, a body [that of the father], through a second body [that of the mother], generates another [that of a son or a daughter. ]. Just as the elements of the material body are eternal, the living being (the embodied soul), which appears within these elements is also eternal.

There are two energies, one higher and the other lower. The latter consists of the material elements, five coarse and three subtle. The living being, which represents the higher energy, manifests itself in different types of bodies made up of these elements, under the action or the direction of the material energy. In fact, material energy and spiritual energy, matter and spirit, exist eternally as powers of God, the Sovereign Being. The source of all power is the Supreme Person. Since the spiritual energy, the embodied being, which is an integral part of God, the Supreme Person, wishes to enjoy the pleasures offered by the universe of matter, the Lord gives him an opportunity to put on different types of bodies and to know the joys and sorrows inherent in different material situations. In reality, spiritual energy (the living being that wants to enjoy the goods of this world) is manipulated by the Supreme Lord.




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