The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 284 of 728

My energy, always the same, which takes on different aspects. And because My energy is not separate from My Person, it must be concluded that I exist in all things.”

The body of matter is an amalgam of elements from the material earth.

We who live on the surface of the globe are all individual beings distinct from God in different forms; some gifted with movement, others immobile. We all come into existence, we live for a while, then disappear when the body returns to the earth. We are only various transformations of the earth. Indeed, the various bodies, with their respective abilities, are only transformations of the earth. They only exist by name, because everything comes from the earth and everything returns to it once destroyed. In other words, we are just dust, and we will become dust again. Everyone is able to consider this point.

The cosmic manifestation is a mixture of matter and spirit (souls), but the cause is the Supreme Being, the Sovereign Lord. The entire cosmic manifestation is just a transformation of the energy of God, the Supreme Person. However, under the effect of illusion, no one can understand that God is no different from the material universe, although this is a proven fact: this material universe is only a transformation of its various energies . Matter and spirit both participate in the Supreme Being. Material energy comes from Krishna, God, but it is separate from Him. On the other hand, the spiritual energy, which also belongs to Him, is not separated from Him. When material energy is used in the service of the Supreme Spiritual Being, it is then transformed into spiritual energy, just like an iron bar becomes like fire when left in contact with it.

When a deep study allows us to understand that God, the Supreme Person, is the cause of all causes, then our knowledge is perfect. The only understanding of transformations of different energies is only partial knowledge; we have to come to know the ultimate cause. There is nothing in the phenomenal world that is not produced by the supreme energy of the Sovereign Lord. The scents of the earth are so many different smells created and used for different purposes, but the original cause is the earth, and it alone. Likewise, you can use an earthen jar to carry water for a while, but in the end, that jar is just earth; so there is no difference between the pot and its original constituent, namely the earth. It’s just a transformation of that energy. From an absolute point of view, the original cause, or the primordial constituent, is God, the Supreme Person, and the various existing manifestations are only its by-products.





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