The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 224 of 728

Qualifying as powerless our situation in this world is too exaggerated could we object, and even if we do not control everything, it is still possible to exercise some control over his life.

The truth is that when the people of a country, led by blind and overly materialistic leaders, that is to say, too much influenced by ignorance and passion, it tends to perceive all those who do not participate in the frantic race for the pleasure of the senses and economic development as passive and fatalistic. Thus, within such a misguided society, spiritualists very busy developing their spiritual consciousness and attaining spiritual realization are often seen as "profiteers", and accused of seeking "to flee their responsibility". What is forgotten by the needy materialists who denigrate them is that, on the one hand, even if they work hard, unless the Lord Himself provides for their needs and provides them with enough sunshine, water, fertile lands, oil, minerals, etc ..., all their work is useless. And on the other hand, God, the Supreme Lord, has not intended for men, unlike animals, to work hard solely for the purpose of providing for their material needs alone.

They have a mission in existence far superior to that of animals. It is to attain spiritual realization, to escape the cycle of the dead and rebirths and to return at the end of this life even to the spiritual world, to God, in their original home.

No one can approach God unless he purifies himself beforehand of all the consequences of his faults.

Only one who evolves at the level of pure virtue can approach God, know him as he is and serve him. God is the Supreme Spiritual Being, the ultimate abode, the sovereign purifier. All living things are beings of a spiritual nature, but Krishna is Him, the Supreme Being. He is also the ultimate abode of all things and the purest of all the pure. To approach it, one must be perfectly pure and for this purpose morality and ethics are required. That's why God says, "Be holy, as I am Holy"

That is also why it is forbidden to have illicit or out of wedlock sex, to consume animal flesh (meat, fish and eggs), all intoxicants such as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, marijuana and other drugs, and to indulge in gambling, money, or currency speculation. Whoever knows how to avoid these four pillars of sin can remain pure. Krishna's consciousness is based on this morality; whoever can not follow the above principles will fall from the spiritual plane. Purity thus represents the fundamental principle of divine consciousness and is essential to the reestablishment of our eternal relationship with God.





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