The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 221 of 728

Incarnate souls that originally belong to the spirit world are sent into the material universe because they have become envious of the Lord. But, in truth, the major reason why God expelled some souls from his kingdom is because they rejected the service of love and devotion they had to offer him, the eternal duty of all souls. They had to fall immediately into the prison of this material world and accept a material body. The degradation of all those who live in the material cosmos, on some planets that is, is due to their insubordination and their forgetfulness of the relation uniting them to God. We are all, in truth, the eternal servants and servants of God. Our duty is to serve him with love and devotion. Such is the perfection of existence.

In truth, we are all the eternal servants of God.

As soon as the incarnate spiritual being becomes aware of his true condition, that of being the servant of God, he frees himself from all suffering and all material difficulties. The beginning of true existence begins and coincides with the abandonment of the holy spiritual entity of its being to the Supreme and Absolute Person, God, in full awareness of the fact that it is only one in qualitative terms with the Absolute, but at the same time, that it occupies in relation to Him, eternally, the position of servant of God.

On the material level, the individual and distinct being of God falsely believes himself the lord and master of all that surrounds him, and thus he must undergo the repeated attacks of the three forms of suffering, that caused by our body and mind, that caused by the other living entities and that caused by the natural powers, against which we remain powerless. But as soon as he becomes aware of his true condition, that of servant before the Absolute, he frees himself from all suffering. As long as the being strives to master the material nature, he has no chance of becoming the servant of the Supreme Being, for the service offered to the Lord must be made in full awareness of our spiritual identity. spiritual entity or spiritual soul. But as soon as he thus serves the Lord, the Supreme Lord, he frees himself from all material difficulties and renews the bond which unites him to God.

Why did God create the tiny spiritual sparks that are spiritual souls?

The answer is that the Supreme and Absolute Truth, God, is perfect in every respect only when It is both infinite and infinitesimal. If She was only infinite, She would not be completely perfect. His infinite and absolute aspect is God, the Supreme Being, while living beings constitute his infinitesimal aspect, for tiny fragments of his Person. The infinite desires of the Supreme Lord engender the spiritual world while the




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