The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 228 of 728

Here is the first instruction given by the Lord: "At the moment of death, the soul takes a new body, as naturally as it passed, in the previous, from childhood to youth, then to old age. . This change does not disturb anyone who is aware of his spiritual nature."

We are not the body; we are spiritual beings imprisoned in a body. Our true interest is to understand this simple fact; then we will be able to make further progress in the spiritual realm. Otherwise, if we stick to our bodily conception of life, our miserable existence in this world will continue forever. Political arrangements, social charities, medical assistance and other programs we have set up for peace and the happiness of humanity will be transient. We will have to suffer the sufferings of material life one after the other. This is why it is said that it is a real reservoir of miserable conditions.

It all depends on the supreme will. It is by virtue of this that we are born in such family, in such a milieu, with such personality. All of this is regulated by the Supreme Lord according to the desires that Maya, the energy of illusion, suggests to us. Consequently, in the life of devotion offered to God, nothing should be desired, since everything depends on God, the Supreme Person. All mobile and immobile beings living in this world, including us, are in a temporary situation. This one did not exist before our birth and, after our death, it will not exist any more. Consequently, our present situation is only transient, although it is not unreal. The impersonalist philosophers say that the living being has a very real existence, but that its present situation within matter is false, without reality. According to spiritual philosophy, however, the present situation is not unreal, but only temporary; we can compare it to a dream. A dream does not exist before we fall asleep, and it does not continue further once we wake up. The dream period exists only between these two moments; it is therefore unreal in the sense that it is not permanent. Likewise, all material creation, including other creatures and ourselves, is transient in nature. We are not affected by a dream before it takes place or once it has passed; therefore one must not accept as real a dream or a situation analogous to a dream, and mourn at the moment when one lives it.

In our past life, we had a body different from the present one, a family, parents and siblings, friends, a country different from the present, whom we abandoned and forgotten to reincarnate ourselves in a new body, with a new family, new parents and siblings, new friends, a new country on another continent, even on another planet. All this concerns only the ephemeral body and not us, the embodied spiritual souls. This is true knowledge. As one seed produces another, a body [that of the father], through a second body [that of the mother], gives rise to another [that of a son]. Just




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