The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 217 of 728

"He who is not affected by joys and sorrows, who in all circumstances remains serene and resolute, is worthy of liberation."

In other words, the intelligent man can understand that these various states are only due to the interaction of material elements, but that he himself, as a spiritual soul, is beyond impermanence.

The Lord further specifies: "The teachers of truth have concluded to the eternity of the real and to the impermanence of the illusory, and this, after having studied their respective nature".

Thus, seeing that he himself exists beyond matter, man (the soul incarnated in a human body) can also understand that there is a world of antimatter, immaterial, called "spiritual world" distinct of the material universe. To know liberation is to be delivered from the sufferings of material existence and, finally, to escape the cycle of repeated deaths and rebirths. Now, the experience of this liberation from the dead and rebirth can only be fully realized in the world of antimatter, where all beings and things possess happiness, knowledge and eternity. We talk about it as a world, because there are forms and attributes there, far beyond our current power of perception.

The Supreme Lord says, "Know that can not be destroyed that which penetrates the whole body. No one can destroy the imperishable soul.

The antimatter particle is more subtle than the simplest atom, which makes it impossible to perceive. We know its existence only by its effects. Although tiny, it has tremendous power. It is she who gives life to the body.

Krishna, God says, "The soul is indestructible, eternal, and without measure; only the material bodies that it borrows are subject to destruction ".

We give eternity to be of paramount importance. Science will reach its peak when it knows perfectly the characteristics of this eternal being, made of antimatter, and will release it from the prison of the body. Without ceasing, the eternal particle tries to free itself from its painful contact with the ephemeral body. And this conflict of every moment is even what indicates to us our incompatibility with matter. Because of the presence of the antimatter particle in it, the body decays every second. The spiritual soul, particle of antimatter is indestructible and immutable. She can never perish. What happens to be after the destruction of the body, God puts it in these terms:

"At the moment of death, the soul takes on a new body, the old becomes useless, just as one discards worn clothes to put on new ones."





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