The Pure Spiritual Science
Page 211 of 728

It is very rare to obtain a human body.

It is very rare to obtain a human body. The soul only reaches it after passing through millions of inferior corporeal species. But only the human form allows the intelligent being to understand the laws of karma and thus to free himself from reincarnation. The human body is the only way to escape the sufferings of material existence. The person who misuses his human form and does not realize his spiritual self is no better than a dog or a donkey. These are the activities aimed at satisfying the senses and whose sole purpose is to please the mind and the senses, which are the cause of the soul's link to matter. As long as the soul devotes itself to these interested actions, it will not cease to transmigrate, to reincarnate from one species to another.

Rishabhadeva, an avatar of Krishna, warns us:

"When someone considers the satisfaction of the senses as the purpose of his life, he engages in material life to become crazy and engages in all kinds of culpable activities. He does not know that it is because of his past misdeeds that he has already received a material body, which, despite its transitory nature, is at the origin of his suffering. In truth, the distinct being should never have donned this carnal envelope, but it has been attributed to him for the satisfaction of his senses. Also, I do not believe that it is befitting a clever man to get entangled again in material activities that would perpetually compel him to put on bodies, life after life. As long as the living being does not inquire of the spiritual values ??of existence, he must know the defeat and the evils of ignorance. Whether it is virtue or sin, karma is bearing fruit, and if a person is involved in some form of karma, his mind is tinged with the desire to enjoy the fruits of the action. As long as the mind remains unclean, the consciousness remains obscured, and as long as we follow the path of the action concerned, we must put on a material body. When the living being is under the influence of ignorance, he can not understand the nature of the distinct soul and that of the Supreme Soul; his mind then undergoes the yoke of the action concerned. Consequently, as long as he has no love for God, he will certainly not be exempt from putting on material bodies."

Verily, we are spiritual souls distinct from God, distinct from each other and distinct from our material body.

The spiritual soul is inexhaustible, transcendental, pure, luminous, it is not covered with any material. The spiritual soul is a tiny fragment of God, a spark of his divine radiance, a particle of antimatter as subtle as a mere spiritual atom, which makes it




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