The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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Lord Krishna shows us the right way.

When Lord Krishna came to earth in the guise of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he succeeded in convincing the Buddhists, Jains and Mayavadis of their misconceptions, and brought them back to the right path.

All devotees of the Lord should follow the example of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, and reject all the negative elements that are: atheism, agnosticism, materialism, not belief in the existence of the spiritual soul (that each of us is in reality. We are not the body of matter to which we wrongly identify ourselves. It is the interest and satisfaction of the soul that must be sought, not those of the body), hedonism and impersonalism (belief in an impersonal, formless God).

Every devotee of the Lord sees that these forms of thought are not only inauthentic and disappointing, but that they are only a vague reflection of the true principles of religion, and that they are radically opposed to them most of the time. In truth, we must take pity on all those who attach themselves to such forms of spurious thought. According to his ability, the devotee strives by all means to always protect men in their masses against such destructive doctrines.

Pure, unadulterated love for God is truly the eternal religion of the spiritual soul, which each of us really is. Also, despite the five distinctions, which mark the religions of the world, we should recognize as authentic any process whose goal leads to pure love for Krishna, God, the Supreme Person.

What good is it to quarrel over futile differences?

The value of a method of spiritual realization is judged only by the purity of the proposed goal.

The true religion.

The only true religion consists in serving Krishna, God, the Supreme Person with love and devotion and in surrendering to Him, there is the true refuge.

Spiritual life really begins the moment we take refuge in Krishna. It does not matter whether we are Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, or others. We can say that we are great spiritualists, but true religion is to serve God with love and devotion, and to develop our love for Him. This is the real intelligence.

True religion is also that which reveals Krishna, God, the Superior Person as He really is, and teaches how to love Him.

It is that which teaches the difference which characterizes the soul and the material body, and which reveals to the incarnate spiritual being that each of us is his true spiritual identity.

It is that which reveals to men that the ultimate goal of existence is to seek God, to learn to know him, to abandon us to him, to serve him with devotion, and to return to him, to his eternal kingdom.

True religion teaches that we must regain our true natural, original and eternal position of eternal servant of Krishna, God the Supreme Person, which we occupied with Him at the beginning of all things.




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