The right qualities, the right attitude, the ideal behavior
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The Eternal Sovereign, Krishna, God, the Supreme Person gives us this wise and wonderful advice: “be holy, as I am holy”.

Jesus also gives us the same sublime advice: “Since he who has called you is holy, you too are holy in all your conduct”.

Jesus adds: “If you only greet your brethren, what do you do that is extraordinary, do not the pagans also do the same?

Be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect”.

The purpose and raison d'être of human life.

Lord Krishna says: “For a person with spiritual knowledge, I am the only beloved, the ultimate goal, the motive and final conclusion, the upliftment and the path that leads into my eternal kingdom. Apart from My Divine Person as favorite, it has no other purpose”.

The purpose of human life is to know Krishna, God, the Supreme Person as He really is, his fame, qualities, attributes, entertainment, glories and excellencies.

To renew the bond that unites us to Him and to act accordingly.

To achieve spiritual realization.

To learn to abandon ourselves to Him and to serve Him with love and devotion.

To learn to love Krishna, God, to obey Him and to unite our interests with His own.

To learn to know our true identity, to be a spiritual soul.

To learn to reject envy, lust, anger and greed.

To purify oneself by indulging in austerity and penance.

To purify one’s existence by adopting the conscience of God.

To purify oneself from all wrong conceptions.

To achieve the highest perfection possible by serving and enjoying the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord.

To realize God, the Absolute Truth.

To take firm resolve to return to the absolute kingdom of Krishna, God, the Supreme, Infinite and Absolute Person.




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