The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 38 of 150

The envoys of Yamaraja, the Yamadutas, deal with people who, in order to maintain a family, become absorbed in activities aimed at sense pleasures. At the moment of death, those who have been bent on fulfilling their material desires are placed under the care of the Yamadutas. The Yamadutas seize the dying man and take him to the planet where Yamaraja resides.

Man is in reality a trilogy. The spiritual soul, which each of us really is, is enclosed in an ethereal body, and the latter is enclosed in a carnal envelope. Now, Yamaraja's agents cover the ethereal body of the criminal and take him before Lord Yamaraja for trial, and for punishment that he can tolerate. It is not the business of Yamaraja's agents to put anyone to death. In any case, it is impossible to kill the soul, which is eternal in nature. The individual spiritual being simply has to suffer the consequences of the faults he has committed in trying to satisfy his senses.

Here are some examples of punishments.

Criminals intent on satisfying their desires and pleasures of the senses, including indulging the taste buds by eating meat, fish and eggs after killing innocent living beings and committing a heinous crime, are doomed to eat their own flesh , to be tortured by fire or devoured by other beings, who are in the same condition as themselves.

Those who kill and eat the flesh of terrestrial and aquatic animals will go to Maharaurava, an infernal planet designed for those who kill animals, such as herders who drive their animals to the slaughterhouse, slaughterhouse sacrificers who kill them, sailors on board the trawlers who kill them in the open sea, the fishermen, the butchers, the fishmongers, who sell their flesh, and the carnivorous humans who consume them.

Men and women who have based their existence on the growth of illicit carnal desires outside of marriage are placed in all sorts of horrible conditions on the hellish planets Tamisra, Andha-tamisra and Raurava.

Material existence is based on sexual life. In fact, all materialists, forced into harsh tribulations during their struggle for existence, base their lives on fleshly pleasure. This is why spiritual civilization admits sexual activity only in a limited way. They are intended only for married couples, only in the context of procreation. Those who, for the sole purpose of satisfying their senses, resort to sexual union in an unlawful and unlawful manner must expect, men and women, to suffer severe punishment, whether during their present life or after death.

In the present life they may be struck by infectious diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea, and after death they are likely to experience a thousand hellish sufferings. The Lord strongly condemns the illicit sex life, outside marriage, adding that those who breed children by illicit union will have to go to hell.




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