The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 32 of 150

The risk of becoming a ghost is not only limited to suicide, but to any violent and sudden death such as murder, but also those resulting from fire, drowning, accident, collapse of building, etc. Thus, the danger of sinking into a hellish condition after death is indeed real, so we must fight against suicide and spiritual wandering.

To stop this whole process, all you have to do is surrender to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, to do his divine will, and to serve him with love and devotion. Those who do so, live in peace, the protection of the Lord, and experience ineffable happiness.

The cause of all disease is spiritual in origin. This cause is the forgetting of our love relationship with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person. The soul that loses contact with God, forgets its own spiritual identity, and indulges in countless material activities that entangle it in a web of karma, of actions reactions. This karma causes it suffering and instead of turning to God to alleviate its pain, the soul seeks material solutions, which unfortunately lead to other karmic reactions, and therefore other suffering.

Only the service of love and devotion offered to God can put an end to suffering, karma, purify the incarnate being, and enable him to approach the Supreme Person.

Lord Krishna says to this effect: “It is only through devotional service, and only in this way, that one can know Me as I am. And the being who, by such devotion becomes fully aware of My Person, can then enter My absolute kingdom”.

Lord Krishna adds: “It is the desires, thoughts and memories that determine what your future condition will be at the moment of death”.

As a spiritual soul, which each of us really is, we are still immortal due to our intrinsic nature, but we change bodies. This process is creative in the sense that we create our own body, or our next body, according to our desire. If we create in us the mentality of a dog, through our mind, we will get a dog's body in our next life.

If we love our pet beyond measure, and if at the moment of death we think of him, our thought will be recognized as a desire, then we will obtain an identical body in our next life. We will reincarnate in an animal body in our next existence.

If we are addicted to surfing, we will create a mentality of beings who like to live in the water. Also, if we think about it at the hour of death, we will get an aquatic body in our next life.

Naturally, at the time of death, if we think of something in particular, nature will give us a body accordingly through specific relatives, human or animal. It is an irrepressible process.




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