The Science of God, or Science of Salvation
Page 140 of 150

Each of us is, in truth, a spiritual soul or spiritual entity, residing in a gross material body.

True spiritual evolution is not at the level of the carnal envelope, but rather at the level of consciousness, of the spiritual soul. It is the interest of the soul that must be sought, not that of the material body. The needs of the soul are of paramount importance, and the sole purpose of existence is to know God as He really is, and to find him in his eternal and absolute kingdom.

Must undergo the cycle of rebirth and death or reincarnation repeatedly, all those who reject God, who have a bodily conception of existence, who grant materialism and the pleasures of the senses an excessive importance. Because they know nothing about God and existential truth, they act blind, wander aimlessly, that is why they condemn themselves to suffer repeatedly, life after life. There can be on earth under these conditions neither peace nor prosperity, only violence and war.

To put the Lord in our mind, to be imbued with the consciousness of God, to reason and act as a spiritual entity, to place ourselves under the authority of the Supreme Lord, to do what He says and to love one another, this will bring peace and harmony on earth.

Remember me, Lord.

Lord Krishna says: “Who is dedicated to the celestial beings reaches their planets, when to My devotees they reach My planet, the supreme”.

The Lord says again: “So in Me, Krishna, in My personal form, always absorbs your thoughts. Dedicating all your deeds to me, turning to Me your mind and your intelligence, no doubt you will come to Me”.

The Lord adds: He who always remembers Me, the Supreme Lord, and upon Me meditates, without deviating from the way, that without doubt comes to Me.

Our thoughts at the moment of death are mainly determined by the sum of our actions and thoughts during our entire life. It is our present thoughts, words and actions that determine what our future condition will be. Therefore, spiritually absorbed in the service of love and devotion that we offer to Krishna throughout our lives, when we leave our material body at the time of death, we will get a spiritual body, and no longer material, through which we will go to the spiritual world.

The Lord says to this effect: “It is the thoughts and memories of the being at the moment he leaves his body that determine his future condition. Whoever at the moment of death, at the very moment of leaving his body, remembers Me alone, reaches My abode at once, do not doubt it.

Remember me at the moment of my death Lord, for various reasons I may be compelled to think of the difficulties that beset me. Do not forget me Lord, for you are my life.

Thank you Lord Krishna.”




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