Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 613 of 624

In truth, the promised land to which God has referred is His absolute and eternal kingdom, and nowhere else. The spiritual world or kingdom of heaven in which floats innumerable spiritual planets also called Krishna planets, because in each of them the Lord reigns in His Narayana form. This is our original abode, the true promised land.

God has been asking us from time immemorial to seek his beneficent, saving, blissful presence, to listen to his divine word, to respect and apply his directives, so that we may return to the true promised land where our true original abode lies, in his kingdom of all knowledge, bliss and eternity.

True life is found in the absolute kingdom of God, and true happiness is to be found with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, in His Divine company and in His touch alone.

In this marvellous kingdom of God, every word is a song, every step a dance, and Krishna's flute enchants all beings and accompanies his gestures at all times. Everything is sublime. The kingdom of God is a true wonder.

The Lord, His absolute abode, the living beings, all are therefore eternal, and the return of the spiritual being to the Lord, to that abode, is the perfection of human life.

Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, Himself says He is the Father of all beings. It is because He shows infinite kindness to all that He descends into this world of matter to call back to Himself the fallen souls, the souls conditioned by matter, to save them and to bring them back to their eternal abode, where they will again live eternally with Him, immersed in a sublime, ineffable happiness that will have no end.

The Lord says: Abandon yourself entirely to Me. By My grace, you will know absolute peace, and you will reach My eternal and supreme abode.

Surrender to Me, and I will protect you from all perils.

As long as we act under the dictation of our material senses, we are immersed in material existence.

But as soon as we act according to the real and transcendental guidance of the Lord, our position becomes spiritual. The activities of love and devotional service that we offer to Krishna are directly under the control of God, the Supreme Person.

When one renounces material positions and acts directly under the orders of the Sovereign Lord, one's spiritual existence is revived, and one finds oneself in one's natural and original position. This is true liberation, which puts an end to material bondage.

Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person, the Soul of all beings, has a constant desire to see all beings live a purely spiritual existence by his side, established in their natural, original and eternal position.




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