Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 612 of 624

The true resurrection.

There is no resurrection of material bodies, this is a lie of satan.

As long as the incarnated spiritual being remains distant from God, breaks the link that unites him to the Supreme Lord and does not want to obey Him, seeking only the pleasure of his senses while immersing himself in unrestrained materialism, he will remain in ignorance of God, of his true existence and of his real identity. He is then said to be immersed in oblivion. He will know only death, even if he lives, for the change of material body plunges the incarnated spiritual being into oblivion, and oblivion is death. In truth, death only concerns the material body and not the spiritual being or the spiritual soul, for the spiritual body remains at all times.

Resurrection applies only to God and His representatives, the holy beings, for it does not concern the material body, but rather the spiritual body.

In truth, the resurrection of the dead corresponds to the resurrection of the spiritual body; it is the rebirth of the spiritual being into true life. It applies to the transformation of the mortal being into an immortal being, of a material being into a spiritual being, of a human being into a divine being.

The spiritual body never dies, whereas the material body, whether human, animal or vegetable, is subject to destruction. The spiritual body remains even after the destruction of the material body. We all have a spiritual body, which emerges or resurrects for all those who walk with God.

In truth, the resurrection of the dead is the reappearance of the glorious, incorruptible, spiritual body that we had from the beginning, and which we lost when we entered this material world, but especially when we were incarnated in a material body. There is no resurrection of material bodies, because it is a lie of satan. On the other hand, those who turn to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, who choose to love Him, to surrender to Him, to do His divine will, to unite their desires and interests with His, and to serve Him with love and devotion without fail, will find at the death of their carnal envelope, their spiritual body, which they will keep for eternity, and thanks to which they will be able to enter the eternal and absolute kingdom of God, in order to live with Him.

This is the true resurrection.

Our true home and the true promised land is the spiritual world, also called the kingdom of God.

Let us not hold on to anything in this world of gross matter, for we are all eternal spiritual beings, we are not of this material world. In truth, we are all passing through this world.

Our real original abode, our real home is the spiritual world where we all used to live, where we all have to return, and where we can all play and enjoy with Krishna, God, the Supreme Person for eternity.

Let us all return to the kingdom of God, for that is the Lord's wish and it must be ours also.

The kingdom of God is the true and only promised land, there is no other.




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