Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 615 of 624

The desire to serve Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme and Sovereign Person is totally spiritual, and has no material connotations.

The spirit soul has spiritual desires and activities. Undivided devotion to the service of the Lord is the only spiritual desire it likes to manifest. However, to attain this desire, one must be free from all material desires.

The service of love and devotion consists of using all one's senses and putting them to the service of Lord Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, the Master of all senses. When the spirit soul serves God, the Supreme Being, two side effects result: it becomes free from all material designations, and its senses become purified by the mere fact of being employed in the service of the Sovereign Person.

A pure servant of the Lord, even though he enjoys the same benefits as God, must always offer his respectful homage to the Supreme Person, serving Him with love and devotion, tying the bond with the Lord, linking his desires and interests with those of the Supreme Person, taking pleasure in obeying Him and promptly fulfilling His divine will, for the complete satisfaction of Krishna, the Sovereign Person.

We can love the Supreme Lord, Krishna, in four different ways, and thus exchange special feelings with Him, namely: by considering Him our Supreme Spiritual Master and us His intimate servant, by considering Him our best Friend, by considering Him our beloved son, or by considering Him our Lover. It is through these basic feelings or exchanges that we are eternally linked to God.

When we reach the stage of liberation or salvation, which pure knowledge confers, we are then able to identify the particular feeling or relationship that unites us with the Lord. This is the level of genuine spiritual realisation.

We are all bound to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, by an eternal relationship, whether it is a relationship of servant to Master, friend to Friend, parent to Child, or lover to Lover.

When we reach this level of understanding, we attain the perfection of knowledge. We then begin to understand that we are servants of Krishna, and that an eternal bond or relationship of love unites us with Him.

This glorious love relationship is in no way based on retribution. However, it is not without reward, a reward far greater than anything we can earn here in this material world in the service of the best of masters. Indeed, there is no limit to the benefits that Lord Krishna provides.

If the soul is directly engaged in Krishna consciousness, which is its natural function, and if it manifests its love for God, which is its spiritual essence and corresponds to its eternal nature, everything it does is beneficial. Whoever adopts Krishna consciousness or God consciousness, loses nothing and has nothing to fear. It is therefore necessary to purify oneself in order to become Krishna conscious, and in the present age, the pure method of purification is that which emanates from the sublime chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord, “Haré Krishna”:

Haré Krishna, haré Krishna, Krishna Krishna, haré haré
Haré Rama, haré Rama, Rama Rama, haré haré

This chant of the Holy Names of God in Sanskrit means: O Lord, O source of all happiness, O energy of the Lord, please make me your beloved servant (maid).




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