Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 610 of 624

To surrender to God is to have absolute confidence in Him, to the point of offering Him one's life, one's existence, all that one possesses and all that one does.

Surrender to Krishna is to serve Him with love and devotion, to take pleasure in Him, and to enjoy satisfying Him.

Surrender to Krishna means total purification.

Thus, as soon as a being surrenders to Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, he certainly becomes free from all defilements.

The Lord says: Leave all forms of religion behind and simply surrender to Me. All the consequences of your faults I will free you from. Have no fear.

Surrender to Me, and I will take you under My protection.

This is the secret of success, the perfection of existence.

How to perceive the presence of the Supreme Lord in oneself.

The entire cosmic manifestation exists and unfolds because of the Supreme Lord, who enters it as the Supreme Soul. Thus, through His omnipresent aspect of the Supreme Soul, He enters into every living being, from the greatest to the smallest. The Lord can be perceived by one who shows submission, the only quality required, and thus becomes a soul surrendered to His Divine Person. The degree of spiritual realisation is proportional to the development of submission, by which the being finally gains to meet the Lord in person just as one comes face to face with someone. Because a transcendental attachment to the Supreme Lord has developed in him, the submissive soul perceives the presence of his Beloved everywhere and uses all his senses to serve Him with love and devotion.

This is how the Lord manifests Himself to His pure devotee from within [this is how when I hum the Lord's song, “Haré Krishna”, the Supreme Soul within me sometimes sings along with me to please me]. This is one of the mysteries of the devotional relationship, which unites the Lord and His devotee, and binds them by spontaneous love.

To attain this love must be the goal of every living being's existence.

Real life begins only at the end of material existence.

In truth, real life begins only at the end of material existence, and this the spiritualist knows very well. If before death one obtains the grace of becoming conscious of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, one immediately reaches the level of the absolute.

There is no difference between the kingdom of God and the service of love and devotion to Krishna. Since both are absolute, when one engages in the sublime service of the Lord with love and devotion, one attains the spiritual world. The activities of the spiritual world are all Krishna conscious. As soon as one becomes Krishna conscious, even in the present life, he attains the spiritual level. Anyone who has developed Krishna consciousness, or God consciousness, is already in the kingdom of God.

The spiritual is the very opposite of the material. Therefore, one who engages in the service of love and devotion to Krishna is freed from the grip of matter, and is in fact on the spiritual plane.




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