Words of Wisdom, the Wisdom of God
Page 474 of 624

devotional service. But those who practice it successfully go directly, after leaving the material body, into the spiritual world, to settle on one of the spiritual planets.

The inhabitants of Vrindavana, a village in India, are all pure holy beings. Their destiny is Krishnaloka, the major, most important planet in the spiritual world, where Krishna resides in Person. They thus rise beyond the spiritual planets.

In truth, beings still absorbed in Krishna consciousness, in pure devotional service, are given the chance, at the moment of death to join the company of Krishna in one of the galaxies of the material cosmos, for Krishna's entertainments are endlessly unfolding in our galaxy or another. Indeed, the sublime advent and entertainment of Krishna, God, the Supreme Person, is perpetually manifesting in our galaxy or another.

Mature devotees, having attained the perfection of Krishna consciousness, as soon as they leave their material body, are transferred to whatever galaxy it is, where Krishna then appears. There they get their first chance to live in the direct personal company of the Lord. This formation, we can see it in the terrestrial Vrindavana, in India, when Krishna carried out his sublime entertainments there 5000 years ago on our planet. Thus Krishna reveals to the inhabitants of Vrindavana the true aspect of the spiritual planets, so that they may know their destiny.

Krishna manifested to them the spiritual, eternal, endless and all knowledge world. One finds in the material universe various forms of body, sometimes high sometimes low, and according to these forms the knowledge differs. The body of a child, for example, is not as perfect as that of an adult. In all forms of life the levels are different, it is so in aquatic beings, plants and trees, reptiles and insects, birds and animals, civilized and uncivilized human beings.

Beyond the human form are the celestial beings, the perfect beings, the inhabitants of the Edenic, paradisiacal planets, the Caranas, the Siddhas, up to the inhabitants of Brahmaloka, the most important planet of our galaxy, remains of Brahma, the demiurge and first created being. In heavenly beings themselves different degrees of knowledge are manifested.

But beyond the material universe, in the spiritual atmosphere, all beings equally enjoy a full knowledge. There, on the spiritual planets or on the most important planet Krishnaloka in the spiritual world, the one where Krishna dwells, all, without distinction, become absorbed in the service of love and devotion offered to the Lord.

In truth, to benefit from knowledge in its fullness is to know Krishna as God, the Supreme Person. The Lord teaches us that in the radiance which composes the spiritual atmosphere of the spiritual world, there is no need for the light of the sun, the moon or the electric force to see, because there, all the planets themselves produce their light and are eternal.




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